SteveRes's Replies

It's about sound. The opening featured the sounds of the family in the woods, and you can hear a woodpecker, which sounds like a machine gun. I thought it was very effective. It was a happy accident. Glazer didn't want to use movie lights at all in the movie and so filmed the night scenes with infra-red cameras, which gave that weird surreal effect. Of course she knew, she just couldn't handle the reality of it up close. "I would have cheered out loud if Norman would have just pointed the shotgun at her face, and blew her freaking head off in slow-motion! Credits Roll." For a split second I thought he was going to do this... then kill the Spaniard and maybe walk off into the woods with the girl. He'd broken bad, and it would have made a more interesting ending imo, instead of returning to his henpecked state and meekly surrendering to the villager. Because she said "No". It's not rocket science dude. Never volunteer for jury service. It definitely had some black comedy moments. I guffawed when the "Hitman" saw the crabs eating the dead body and cried "Gross! Nature is so sick and evil" with no hint of irony after he'd just smashed a human being's skull in. Hell yeah. WTF at that age goes to a gay club to watch young pretty boys dance in their briefs when they could be hanging out with hot girls? Guy couldn't come out of the closet because his father was such an authoritarian figure. It is kind of odd, and they chose to ignore his heavy steroid use which could explain his aggressive behaviour. The most hilarious thing though is the casting of the girls who were all babes when their real life counterparts were absolute hounds. The 1974 original is all anyone needs. The rest are utter crap. The guy was physically nowhere near as big as Leatherface, he's just a mentally challenged helper of the cook. Spot on. Well said, colorado. The The gullibility of some posters here is wild. Yes there was something "off" about him even before the final revelations. He was way too touchy feely with the men and there was nothing gracious or noble about his deeds, he never once gave the glory to God, he made it all about himself. I got the feeling he filled the Church with these nomadic men in an attempt to find sexual partners. Allowing sex offenders to stay at his home where his daughters lived was a massive red flag. And fleeing from the reporter was very telling, he was a coward. That Church is much better off without him. Yes, the scene with the angry woman was amazing, it was just a shame she didn't bitch slap him. Of course he did. It was the driving force behind his need to fill his Church with lonely men far from home and their families. Dude was a predator who welcomed sex offenders into his home, he was a total wrong 'un. As for his "ministry" he didn't give any of the glory to God, he made the work all bout himself, stood sobbing while they all told him how wonderful he was. He wasn't a Priest/Catholic, he was a Protestant Pastor. I'm amazed anyone could watch this and see a "brave and loving Pastor". All I saw was a man with an enormous ego who betrayed his vows as a Pastor and indeed betrayed his whole family with his extra-curricular choices. The scene where he stood there sobbing as the overnighters all told him how wonderful he was almost made me vomit. As for allowing registered sex offenders to stay in your home where your young daughters sleep is frankly astonishing and not in a good way. The guy was an absolute tool. Henry is better. Confessions starts well but once you get midway at the Doctor's scenes it drags and the film never recovers. I can't believe how hilariously inaccurate this series is, did they even do any research? A Soviet prison in Munich? Munich was in the US Zone. The most insulting one was the "Jewish Hospital" in Berlin, which in this show was fully operational throughout the war and staffed by Jews. This is disgraceful storytelling and lessens the impact of the Holocaust. This series is absolute trash. The cover is a mistake imo. Makes the film look like a really bad SOTL knock off. No kid is a "lost cause". Demeaning and belittling kids will certainly help them to being lost causes though...