MovieChat Forums > The Overnighters (2014) Discussion > I think the question we all have is (SPO...

I think the question we all have is (SPOILER)

Did the Pastor do anything sexual with an overnighter? It's one thing if it was just some guy he met on grinder or something, but if he was having sex with overnighters, there was a far worse problem (abuse of power, etc.) that the movie didn't touch on at all.


Yes, it's EVERYONES question! I feel like even I was taking in with this guy and the first half of the movie. The last ten minutes totally ruined the impact of helping homeless guys in a church. It took and placed all the focus on how decietful this man was.
I feel he did hook up with an "overnighter" and used his authority as a grooming tool to enable this. I think that man who was quickly asked to leave the motorhome knew of what was going down and the pastor was just waiting for this guy to slip up so he could get rid of him. There's so much more to this story, and many people knew more than they were saying. Even the sex offender staying at his home makes me wonder, was he having sex with this guy under the same roof as his family? And then, to tell the guy in the store, that he didn't like the way he was not honest in presenting himself! What a load of crap. I seriously doubt this was the first time he cheated on his wife with a man and it probably would still be a secret if he wasn't going to be exposed. The worst part was the guy who said he had lost his faith in God because of this "pastor." How many others lost their faith due to this "Man of God?" Kick this creep to the curb. The faster, the better!


How easy it is to cast the first stone.


Well, you can tell that to those men who trusted him and lost their faith. Tell that to his wife who was married to this perv for years and had her heart broke and to his children, they may never recover. If I were throwing things, it wouldn't be a small stone, it would be a boulder!


Of course he did. It was the driving force behind his need to fill his Church with lonely men far from home and their families. Dude was a predator who welcomed sex offenders into his home, he was a total wrong 'un. As for his "ministry" he didn't give any of the glory to God, he made the work all bout himself, stood sobbing while they all told him how wonderful he was.


