Recognizer's Replies

😞 Never mind the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis. Now we have the real-life Tragedy of Star Wars. Never thought I’d live to see the day. I lived for IMDb boards. Couldn’t believe it when they announced shutting them down. Possibly, but Vikander just doesn’t work in the role for me, and she’s a mediocre actor at best. She’s no Angelina Jolie, that’s for sure. What? But the Vikander Tomb Raider was shit. Why is it getting a sequel? You know, there’s some great points in this thread. In particular, I agree wholeheartedly about Salvation. Would have been good to see that storyline continued. But to be honest, I’m so over the endless sequels and reboots of pretty much everything these days. Money for old rope my old man would have called it. What happened to writing an original story? They exist, but they’re few and far between. A New Hope Empire Return of the Jedi (yes, I actually like it) Revenge of the Sith The Force Awakens The Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones (Giant dip) The Last Jedi Because the people making these movies want to push an SJW agenda, regardless of the cost (cf. Star Wars). And they have the deep pockets to be able to do it. A love story arc would send the message that men and women are equal and complementary to each other - the opposite to the SJW message. We can, but a small, vocal and powerful minority that controls mainstream media wants otherwise. Just bury it. They're well and truly flogging a dead horse by this stage. They just need to accept that it's a dead franchise and let it go. Back when the first trailer for this dropped it was obvious that it would bomb. It offered nothing that wasn't already done in T2 but better. This is nothing more than SJW pandering. Yes, but mainstream media like Forbes won't criticise that. <blockquote>... Kathleen Kennedy, the executive tasked with guiding Lucasfilm and with finding fresh ways to expand a galaxy far, far away.</blockquote> She isn't interested in fresh ways unless they push an SJW agenda. At the time of Colin Trevorrow's exit, there was a lot of talk about him being fired because he wouldn't do it Kennedy's way, hence her hiring yes-man Rian Johnson. Shhh, don't give Disney ideas! ;) Guess I'm not most people, then :P I agree with the first 2 entries, but diverge wildly after that. That's what makes this film interesting. It's like Inception - you're never sure what is real and what is just in his head. My (very minor) claim to fame? 😆 Rebooted or Reset seem like obvious candidates ... then cue ghost Yoda saying "No, there is another" Meh. I was looking forward to their trilogy, until they botched the ending of GoT. Joy Luck Club, natch