Recognizer's Replies

Celebrate SW maybe, but TLJ and those involved can never be forgiven. Yep. Look up postmodernism. Explains a lot. I’m going to go and see the whole thing through to the end so I can legitimately comment on it without some smart ass saying “You probably didn’t watch the whole movie” Best not to feed the troll She can tell herself that, but “completing” is the wrong adjective. Try “destroying” Except that's bullshit. Did she forget about the EU? It doesn't even need to be a secret Skywalker - it could just be a clone of Luke! That would retcon TLJ nicely. Well, I'd take anything by Overlord with a pinch of salt. I figured Lando would die (like he was originally meant to in Jedi), so I'm ready for that. But destroying the Falcon, Chewie and the droids doesn't make any sense. Why would Disney destroy any chance of using them (esp. Falcon and droids) in future productions? However, Disney is insane at this point, so anything is possible. If they do as Overlord is suggesting then they really will have driven a wooden stake through the heart of Star Wars, and henceforth Disney will be dead to me. It's more likely that Rey *is* Palpatine in some way - perhaps a clone of him, or Luke. Would explain the TLJ scene in the pit/cave Now, now. Don't be giving Disney ideas ;) I found this interesting and informative, particularly the part about Indy. Never thought of him that way before, but you're right - even in Raiders, he's already a fully realized heroic character who remains "good" throughout all the movies and fights Nazis et al based on his values and principles, which don't change. Red Leader, this is Gold Leader That's the point - you see them because nobody is buying them. Even back when the PT first came out, you had to shop around to find toys because many places were out of stock for long periods. By contrast, the ST merch can't be given away. My understanding, based on various articles, photos of store shelves, and even looking at my own local stores is that Star Wars toys based on the Disney trilogy are not selling at all, so much so that retailers have heavily discounted them. OT and even PT toys/merch are selling well, though. So it's not that nobody wants SW merch, they just don't want DisneyWars merch. Too late! The damage is already done. Your hate has made you powerful! Take your weapon! Strike KK down with it and your journey to the dark side will be complete! I LOL'd :D Great clickbait title too ;) Yes, that happened to me once too often. After that, I decided not to give a fuck and just relax and do bare minimum. My grades got better :) Obvious troll is obvious That hits the nail on the head, I think - nobody gives a tin shit about these characters. Disney destroyed the characters that people actually cared about, and inserting Lando into this one isn’t going to make up for that.