Coleburg83's Posts

I found the scientists to be loathsome ingrates... What is the canon reason Ant-Man isn't in this again? Emma Stone isn't even a 6... Cameron is supposed to be so great, yet he makes decisions like... Good movie, but too long... Wow, she's looking rough... What was the point in Rooney Mara's character? Furlong made $30K for this? They should just rename the show... Didn't think they were very likeable characters... She wanted to play Zoƫ Quinn in a movie about GamerGate... Absurd, so far from the true story... Anne's teeth and the new magical negro... Why do they give wings to Wasp and not Ant-Man? The book is kind of preachy... The bumper cars scene near the end with the crystal key... What happened to the Lufthansa money was finally revealed and... Seems like a very absurd rule... Why can't they just stick to the truth? Sorry, I don't buy the sanctimony coming from the same company that just rehired Keith Olbermann for like the tenth time...