ShogunofYonkers's Replies

They never say that out loud...they just attempt to chip away at my rights to be armed while appearing compassionate and progressive...WHILE being surrounded by armed security themselves lol...the hypocrisy is astounding...never trust our leaders... Refuse to be their fool They work on game too! Deer, birds, rabbits...i think the 'Antis' confuse Nazi/weirdo/Rambo types with regular guys that enjoy hunting and target contests...sad that everybody is so down on some really fun sports Love this behind the scenes stuff and i did not know that.. Ill google the train station for sure... Thx Intothenight!! Who would stalk you;-) Deets pls...about the girl/girl tension scenes...thx amateurs! Lol !! I have not heard that in many years I think it meant they grew up without the help of adult mentors (family, neighborhood old timers, clergy or a decent school) and had to put life together all by themselves And yes...maybe they had to join a gang in some places All good Art! It WAS a really good bad movie Great movie Incredible cast Amazing dialogue... Ive seen it a few times and showed it to my wife recently...she loved it too Cant go wrong with the classics! Theyve used that building in a ton of movies and shows over the years...thx I like your comparison and i enjoyed all 3 movies... That would make a good OP on General Discussion board...'movies that feel like two other movies in a blender' Meh...i enjoyed it well enough And there were blacks and Asians on the old frontier You are most kind Thank you Nations ALL around the a few books...youll slowly put it together im sure... Good one kiddo! An improvement anyway... As well you should!! Good for you We can hardly carry legally in nyc...which is exactly where you need a pistol for defense What a ridiculous situation...ALL the creeps have handguns and the working stiffs gotta rely on pocket knives...mind boggling really! Kinda sad that spuds is a pile of dried bones now:.( RIP beer dog We got plenty rowdy together in our time...*single tear Yeah shes a huge fruitloop Hot AF in Bladerunner...but yeah...sadly she went nuts and got cranky/weird:(