ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Lol...Croft you are are a Legend! Its ok-ish... Never understood the cult following tho Not awful..just mediocre ... I started it and got very bored after 40 minutes...and quit I gotta try it again Deep AND meaningful...thx bro... Ill take it cuz its true! Oh she painted too... But she corrected my horrible habit of being honest and cursing at dipshits who were there to 'help' one too many really 'profane' with people that are not on point...i suppose she made a good point and i was partly at fault..? i dumped her ass anyway (and it WAS a really nice ass...butt the world is full of them) Sex partners grow on trees...never put up with stupid weak links Im sorry :( Got a bit teary there myself! Indeed They abused that poor girl horribly then killed her Huge tragedy...modern shrinks say she was delusional or manic-depressive...she needs a better movie for sure! A real ass kicker for a moment in time That is a great one She was very pretty and clean...large breasts, big butt and i swear...webbed second and third toes on each foot (which i found odd but whatev's) Dumped her when she acted bitchy twice too many times Can only take too much crap personally...she demanded i help paint her sisters apartment a second day in a row...adios web-toes! Had one Named her 'white girl' Rescued her from Yankee Stadium area off the street Good girl, lived for about 9 years and got a big hip problem and couldnt walk anymore... Sweet little girl tho! She killed wild animals but never harmed a person...RIP Whitegirl! He did quit acting...the hard way! I really miss this dude... He was a special one I dont know who that is i but i love a good good for Chigga!!! You bite and hang on... A real pitbull! Much respect!! One of the best, most ridiculous and fun fight scenes ever...a real classic:) Fine!!! Jeez youre a pain in the ass...and dont you go mentioning bananas...sheesh..this relationship is a lotta work! I had a very nice long term with the lady who ran my company a few months after i moved on...kinda fun to put it to your former boss lady i must say!! Not sure this counts tho... counting it!! Nice one!!! Careful girl...the Mods have no mercy;) Thats Apples and Oranges you crazy woman!! Nope...i was smoking and driving too fast and playing the 'Rocky IV' soundtrack...being all sexy-broody and shit...i may have driven past a dope statue of myself that were probs too busy tucking your Adams Apple to notice Nah...yours is much better :)))