ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Oh certainly not a hater And i DID enjoy the last several years worth of Superman movies They just felt joyless... All fair points Agreed Holy crap Dredd and Raid were amazing Real action done right!! Yup Weird and creepy...gloriously great stuff! The OT is best-agree The prequals were a bit disappointing but still had some fun moments imo The newest one seemed like a kickass starting point to me...i really liked it And Rogue One was awesome and i bought into the tragedy of the sacrifices the heroes made to steal the plans...most 'adult' of the bunch i would say Im looking forward to the next one... AND Lucas reaped billions in the exchange so i doubt he regrets anything... SW should do fine for years to come No worries Is it the one Yeah...ridiculously hot Agreed 100% Just rewatched The Wraith the other day...he was such a cool dude Gonna see Platoon again soon if i can find my DVD Love this guy and wish him the best Its really all so sad Best wishes Charlie Good news TexasJack! I hope we treat them right down there in TX Hey Texas! Not to be weird but are you and yours away from that flooding and storm? Anyway, the rest of the country threw in for us Eastcoasters when Hurricane Sandy kicked our ass so we will pitch in for you guys too. Yeah that behavior is hateful! I almost got my ass kicked telling a bunch of kids behind me to stfu during Princess Bride a long time ago I hate dickheads at the theater I feel like i should watch some 'Gunsmoke' My pops and all the neighborhood dads all watched it when i was very small I DID Enjoy Bonanza tho...da da da da da BONANZA..da...da...da...da blah blah Good stuff Yes She was really hot She still looks really good now Forgive me 'Cake but i think it was David Morrisey ...the dude that played 'The Govenor' on 'The Walking Dead' I just kinda felt BI should have been a stand alone story But respect your opiinion! Yeah ... Superman is always cool I just think that Superman 1and 2 with Reeves were the best ever I liked the newer ones (even the most recent ones which were ALL depressing and nihilistic and kinda sad and crappy) I wish Christopher Reeves was still around He owned that role...everyone else seems like a jerk doing Superman Part two was so weak i doubt it will ever happen And yes...she still looks great OP seems like a nice guy imo and not some troll jackass So if i may...i think its because a lot of people (myself certainly included) just have to adjust to new realities and it aint always easy I remember the early '80s when the first black and Puerto Rican families moved onto our all white block in Yonkers,NY (a racial hotbed at the time no lie) My little mind was totally blown ! Came to be good friends with all of them and learned their cultures/music/food...good times Im not really on any 'team' with the Alt-lifestyle movement but i am accepting of good people...and i dont want to deny decent people their rights I feel like the OP is a like-minded person Sometimes new stuff just freaks us out for a little while... Yes it is everywhere now -agreed The alt - lifestyle thing is just the new rage for writers Guys like you and i are pretty much standard and old school now...boring... everybody's got one of us at home lol -which is fine! I guess the production companies follow the newest societal trends to make their product more 'in the moment' or edgy etc And at the moment 'queer- sissy'/gay/lez/trans etc is ' the new black' I cant pretend to understand it all but ive known lots of gay or alt types over the years (i live in NY so...)and theres no vast gay-wing conspiracy against us haha:)) We will survive the gay tidal wave of gayness Batman-great talk :)))Cheers! Fair enough Miss ! And ill do the plates after:) Ooohhh make me one pls im famished lol I honestly thought the iceberg was the only villain needed Haha fair enough! Me too