

I wouldn't think he's a pedo. He just seems to remember childhood. Creeps are around and maybe he delt with a few.

If you really want to be freaked out and laugh, check this Opie and Anthony moment.



Bro, Stephen King also writes about murder a lot.

I don’t think that necessarily means that he’s a murderer IRL.




Um, no. I have read every King novel up to about Desperation and not once did that thought cross my mind. If anything I think he focuses on the strength of children in horrific circumstances, and any child predator depicted in his novels is just another in his huge gallery of monsters, real and mythical. This is a pretty horrible and defamatory suggestion for you to make on an open internet forum without any evidence other than the way you are reading his work. I'd be careful if I were you.



Mate don't delete it on my account. You're free to say what you want, but I've always thought King was a solid family man with ethics and morals I understand and admire. Labeling him as pretty much the worst type of person that can be just makes me a bit uncomfortable. I know you probably didn't intend it that way, but that's how crazy internet rumours start which can be damaging to innocent people. I also think Mr King himself would be saddened to read something like that.

But yeah, maybe look at it like the kid is pretty much always the hero in his stories, and he always reflects on childhood friendships with such warmth and affection. To me he's like the anti-Michael Jackson, he doesn't profess undying love for children like some self-appointed Messiah as Jacko did, instead he presents the sometimes disturbing reality of their existence and shows their strength and courage and heroism.



Finally I scanned through the synopses for a few of his other books and found the same thing. Kids with adults hovering around them, for no apparent reason but to "get close" to them.

That's a generational problem. Most of of Stephen King's are several decades old.

Nowadays, adults avoid children because they're afraid of being accused of pedophilia. However, that wasn't the case a few decades ago. Right now, you see a little kid lost in the street, you turn a brown eye. A few decades ago, you saw a little kid lost and you asked him if he was Ok, and even stayed with him until his parents appeared, and take him to the Police Station if they didn't. That happened to me once, in a market, I was with a girlfriend of mine, she saw a little kid crying, she talked to him and didn't move until the parents finally appeared. Right now, that would be near to impossible.

But there was nothing sexual. Society was much more cohesive. People cared about each other, and kids were important because they were the future.

Right now, you see little children in old Stephen King's novels, and the first thing you think is that was some kind of sexual fetish. That's just our time.



Well, to be honest, I haven't read those two ones. I haven't read anything he published after mid-90s, and when I've tried, I left after a few chapters.

So... I can't tell about those two ones. But in his 70s to 90s works, while it's true that there's often little kids, it's always as a part of a father-son relationship. There's always a parent figure (father, mother, or both), and the relationship between the kid and the parent is key to the novel. I would say that this suggests that he had some kind of complicated relationship with his parents, and that subject became a key element in his novels. Interpreting it as a paedo stuff... I think that's a bit far-fetched.



Probably a good idea. We don't know where this come from for King. He may have been abused, or known others who've been abused. He works through that with his writing.
