Quioby1's Replies

For the simple reason of knowing that there is more than what is observed. Some personify it as God. Others view it as enlightenment. Some call it consciousness. Some consider it a culmination of the multiverse. Others think there is nothing because they believe only in what has been presented so far. In the end, it's all absurd because all positions assume they are correct without much if any evidence. The automatic response of one of these positions is that they others are wrong. That's why you call it a "sky fairy." Now, I was talking themes in a story about the supernatural. Did you notice the themes or are you unable to understand them? Nope. UHF ... I can see that. That was a fun pairing. Good job. A bunch of savages in this town... You're supposed to understand her and her awful behavior. The writers want to justify the romances as though Rory is a moral character (you know... because she reads and does well in school). She's the machinations of a west coast writer trying to promote the strong single woman. In the end, Rory becomes a user of men... like her mom. She is unlikeable because she doesn't mind tearing relationships apart for the next guy. You are not awful like she is because you have real morals and you care about people. That's a good thing. My wife and her best friend watched this show and eventually came to the same conclusions as you. Rory was supposed to be this hopeful and bright girl. In the end, she acted like an ass and hurt those who were close to her. I'm wondering why you're adding attention for him since he's looking for attention and you don't like him. Get over it and don't feed the trolls. Mike Nelson (MST3K) said the same thing about "Batman" (1989). The movie was really dark. The soundtrack is brilliant. It's more of a character trait than a question of where he is at as the undead. He and Freddy are already dead according to the paramedics. They're just not rabid. Frank bears responsibility for his actions and he does what he can to try and make things right. He calls Bert. He helps clean up the freezer zombie. He does everything he can to make up for the damage he caused (no matter how futile the action is). In the end, Franks trait is that he does the most responsible thing he knows. He destroys himself in a horribly agonizing way in order to not hurt others. The answer to your question is that he is a zombie. He just hasn't succumb to the frenzied pursuit to end the pain of rigor mortis. This is a fun movie with a great soundtrack. Re-reading my comment, I can say it comes off more catty than it should. What would be better is, "An actor poses for a living, it is not abnormal they would put on a face for their public." Peter. After dealing with people like Ethan in real life, I totally understand peter more and sympathize with him. She acts for a living. What do you think acting is? It's posing. It happened to me. I don't watch Star Wars movies. I like to read commentary on the films because I like movies and I like to see how the audience thinks about movies. For me, I don't care to see another Star Wars film. I do, though, enjoy reading discussions about movies and Star Wars offers a lot of discussion. TV shows and commercials pay the most. Or Point Break.... ... oh yeah... ...that's right... FML. They're enjoyable, but not as re-readable as other comics. I guess it's because of the continual story. If you want comics to re-read, I recommend Hellboy, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Judge Dredd (esp. the batman crossovers), and Watchmen. I'm not a fan, but that's just an opinion. A synching at the waist would have helped the dress. Those are really freaky.