MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Anyone else re-reading the comics?

Anyone else re-reading the comics?

I rewatch and re-read the comic book pretty often prior to the new fall seasons...there was a cool dude on IMDB some years ago named ScorpioSewerMoon i think?? that would always offer 'book updates and was very pleasant...miss that guy!
Anyway...this site seems pretty dead on most boards so just casting a line for old IMDB or 'Chat peeps that like the same stuff i do...horror/sci-fi/action/asian kung fu flicks...
Crap...maybe im all alone...


TWD comics were entertaining, but I'd never call them "great" so I have no desire to re-read them.


Fair enough
I really liked up to about issue 120 or so


Not sure where the story was at issue 120...
I generally liked reading until Kirkman started the Whisperers arc after Negan; that was just too much silliness for me to continue.


Yeah i quit around the start of Whisperers...pretty goofy


They're enjoyable, but not as re-readable as other comics. I guess it's because of the continual story. If you want comics to re-read, I recommend Hellboy, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Judge Dredd (esp. the batman crossovers), and Watchmen.


Governor comic portions were great, definitely worth the re-read there.


Comic Gov was a bit OTT but definately cool
I did enjoy the TV version a lot though (even if he was a tempermental idiot lol..he murdered his own army hahaha still cant get over that level of derp!!)


I love the comics, but I don't plan on re-reading. You reading "Here's Negan" also? It's up to issue 16, and on youtube. I read that Kirkman is done with them now, though. I don't know for sure.


I read his origin mini stories on youtube but only up til he formed a small gang post Z Day...gotta catchup
