Bercilak's Replies

Report me for what? Prizing originality over lazy, derivative cash grabs? Piss off, turd. August of 1978: Thordis. Winchester '73 (1950) Knives Out (2019) The Maltese Falcon (1941) A Fistful of Dollars (1964) Me, too. I never understood her appeal, to be honest. John the Baptist. "Because the movie needs to happen!" -- Pitch Meeting Guy You first. I'm one of those people, too. I agree. The word you're looking for is "infantilized". You are either trolling or taking those things waaaay too literally. Named for your father, I see. Maybe he doesn't, but he's still correct. Marky Mark was seriously miscast. At this point, they'd have to call it "The Convict Chronicles". A movie where the Hulk isn't just a punching bag and a foil to show how powerful other characters are would be good. Pretty sure Pippin was black. Welp, I didn't insult anyone with my previous comment, like you just did. But since that's how you seem to communicate, here you go: fuck off, shithead. Actual messaging: take care of yourself and other people will notice and want to be with you. Sounds positive to me. So why have spoken dialogue at all? If the cast is so expressive that the scenes "prove universal" (I think I know what you're trying to say here), then eliminating all dialogue would make the film truly universal. It would be perfectly egalitarian. Right? This was a very silly decision by an otherwise acclaimed director. You're far too perceptive to be on here.