Bercilak's Replies

No. Correct. If the show isn't good enough to hold my attention for the first 15-20 minutes, that's all I need to know to know it's meh. In other words, it retells the story but makes the original romantic interest/sidekick the new hero. Got it. In its heyday, people used to sport bumper stickers that read, "Friends Don't Let Friends Watch 'Friends'". And they were right. The original Sinister Six were: Doc Ock Mysterio Kraven Electro Sandman Vulture There are at least two members missing from the trailer and Green Goblin is in it, which means they're not going with the original line-up, so who knows? Because she's homely as hell and watching her kiss someone would've been an Emil Blonsky. Politics aside, Swanson was much hotter and a better Buffy. I thought it was a pretty typical, middle of the pack Marvel film, really--neither as bad as some people say nor as good as other people say. That it was a majority Asian film doesn't make it any better or worse that it would have been otherwise, just like "Black Panther" (which was also typical Marvel fare). Disturbing? I say: go, Bond, go! I'm just sayin' it's big, that's all. I know of no other way unless it's on the DVD/Blu-Ray when it gets released. I just finished watching it. If you're a fan of Craig's Bond, you'll enjoy it quite a bit. It's available--just decipher the hints I gave you. Do you know what a jolly roger is? Sail the seas. Imagine you are being paid tens of millions of dollars by your employer to engage in a highly public job among a small group of people, and you're capable of spreading the STD to your highly paid co-workers by sneezing or coughing on them. Totally justifiable to require him to disclose it. And I'm guessing a lot of producers didn't--so no work for Kristy. Bond drove a DB5. Fun Easter egg? Or something more? Virtually everything in the movie was fan service and should be taken with a grain of salt. You're right, of course, but you're not going to get much agreement on this board. Yes. What Samuels is really talking about here is fate. You see, fate caught up with several lives here.