Bercilak's Replies

Yes, because when you're fleeing for your life, your priority should be room for a child's seat and not speed. This was a ham-fisted and obvious advertisement. My replies are completely serious. 1. Why did Leiter (and later Nomi) even approach 007 in the first place? Because he's Bond. James Bond. 2. Why did Safin kidnap Madeleine and Matilde? Because he's EEEVILLLLL. That's what eeevilllll masterminds do. 3. Why should Safin have a grudge against Bond? If anything they should be allies. They both want to take down Blofeld and Spectre? He shouldn't. This was the emptiest, laziest plot for a Bond movie that I've seen in a while. C/C+ on your Shelley Long report. You didn't address any of the reasons why she didn't become a movie star as a result of this movie. Also, mentioning income inequality regarding a movie made almost 40 years ago is gratuitous and irrelevant. The owner of Phelps Towing, who needed to find a new driver--thanks, Mike! The Rabbit in Red Lounge should make an appearance as a setting for a scene. Maybe it can be where Dr. Loomis' son tries to talk to Mike about his dad. He could bring the hospital administrator, Dr. Wynn, from Smith's Grove sanitarium (the guy who argued with Loomis about Big Mike's big breakout). Hilarity would be sure to ensue. Finally, don't forget about Devon Graham: He's probably got an axe to grind for being mistaken for a quasi-supernatural serial killer. I saw the original in the theater in 1978 and I don't think that any sequels should have been made. I just finished watching this movie and it was horrible. It's as if the people who wrote the script, filmed, and acted, never actually studied movies or acting formally. It was painfully bad to watch. Yes, he looks very excited. . . She wrote "The masked man" in French. No. And there's a reason for that. Typically, how many white people (or black people or brown people or red people) would you say are in Asian cinema? Well, he's not wrong. . . "Time to Die" . . .his coke budget for this movie was huge. He didn't blink even once. It's an obscure joke intended only to amuse the poster. Tony Moran, who played unmasked Michael in that six-second shot, was the brother of Erin Moran, who played Joannie in "Happy Days". Erin Moran had a long history of addiction and mental instability before she died. Hence the connection to your comment. You may be too young to have known this, but he was Joannie's brother (from "Happy Days"), so. . . lolol Great Scott! That's even worse than mine. ; ) I Khan't believe that you said that. Both of you should just let him live and let die. Classy, too. Nope.