GreenGoblinsOck8's Posts

Wow! How things have changed! Have Rhody in it as Iron Man. Can someone tell me what Superhero movie or cartoon this is from? I like this movie but I want a Christmas Carol adaptation with Sesame Street characters. According to imdb Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman is going to be in this movie. I can't believe this movie is almost 7 years old now. Man! Is it gonna be awkward when Kat goes back to school! Spoiler I admit I never liked this show but I am surprised it gets only a 5.1/10 on imdb. I never noticed til now that the music in the opening credits has a CH CH CH sound a few times. So those of you who enjoy country music... Question about the ending. Spoiler Marion won in a drinking contest against Otis from Superman. Just for fun name things in older movies that really date them. Use Spoiler tags. This movie isn't that bad. Spoilers Anyone else feel like C3-P0 and R2-D2 were pointless in the prequels? I liked it but...Major Spoiler Anyone else think it's odd Frances McDormand won an Oscar for this? I just watched this and it was good. Spoilers