Anyone else feel like C3-P0 and R2-D2 were pointless in the prequels?

With how their memory is erased at the end of this and Obi Wan in the original Star Wars movie acting like he'd never met either of them, I feel it was pointless for them to be in the prequels.


Only C-3PO's memory was erased, as he is such a blabbermouth. R2-D2 laughed at the order given by Bail Organa to do this.


"and Obi Wan in the original Star Wars movie acting like he'd never met either of them"
That's exactly it, Obi Wan was hiding his knowledge of them from Luke!


Why would he ever?


Or maybe he genuinely did forget both of them, but remembered when Leia's message was played.


Pretty clear the character neither lied about it, nor forgot about them (he is still a jedi, not an old fart).
The writer simply fucked up later on adding the prequels. Simply bad writing.


Completely agree with you.
The moment I saw both in the sequels, I ony thought about fan service. Fan service is never a good thing, especially in the detriment of a good story.


Obi-Wan said, "I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid," referring to R2D2. He did not say he'd never met either of them before.

I've never understood why this is brought up so often. When you watch the movies, there are literally hundreds of R2 and R4 units, as well as hundreds of protocol droids. Also, a lot of time has passed. Why is it so strange that he might not remember these two droids, specifically.

That being said, if you watch the scene again (in A New Hope) when Obi-Wan find Luke and "meets" R2D2, Obi-Wan is remembering something. It might be the droids or his time before the Empire or the realization that if a droid is looking for him that something bad is probably happening. Hard to know. (especially since A New Hope came out more than 20 years before the prequels).

C3P0 was nothing more than comic relief (if you could even call it that). But R2D2 played a fairly substantial, behind the scenes role several times in the prequels.


Droids are worthless scum and have no rights. Not only were those 2 pointless in the prequels, they gave R2 mobility jets and made 3PO a limp joke delivery system. Too many movies were mashing the joke button at the time so it was full steam ahead with constant jokes from him. Much like how they are butchering Thor and the rest in the MCU. Half a cup of sugar in every meal 'cause that's what the kids (adults) want!

Even with the blip of quality seen in Mandolorian and Fett shows, I still feel that the Star Wars universe has not recovered from the prequels.


Yeah, 3PO's endless joke lines in the second half of AOTC were really corny, I'd never known him to be like that before.

But as for R2, isn't an Astromech droid the Star Wars equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife, with every useful tool in one place? You criticise the mobility jets, but he had a tiny buzzsaw in ROTJ and I'm sure other tools, too. When R2 gets blasted by the Stormtrooper, he is "shocked" and all of his tools come out at once, out of all those little panels on him.


The prequels were pointless period.
