ItalianBuju's Replies

I am at the end of season four now and it gets better. The last few episodes are really good. I watched the US version when it first aired and loved every minute of it. I actually watch it through once every few years and it is the only show I have ever watched more than once. During my quarantine this year I watched the UK version and it was alright but was tragically less fabulous than its US counterpart. Which is why I am guessing it only lasted ten episodes, instead of 83..... I repeat. White people are not oppressed. There can be individual acts of prejudice against a white person, but racism is a systemic institution of oppression against BIPOC. Also, there is no attack on whites or 'white' culture (whatever that is).... It is not black vs white. It is racist vs literally everyone else. If you feel attacked, I have some news for you...... White people are not oppressed. Racism towards white people is not a thing. I just watched it last night and loved it!! I want to watch this one so badly but am worried it will give me nightmares The 'agenda' is to be more like real life..... Talian? Where is the eye roll emoji when I need one...... I just watched it for the first time and I thought it was amazing but it also ruined me emotionally. I had no idea what it was about going in except that it was a gay love story, and no idea it was a true story until the end! I know this is old by just in case you didnt see it yet, it is also just on youtube now. Agreed I cannot imagine living with that. It was my understanding that all the sleeping around happened before he knew he had HIV? Critter Christmas is my favorite Christmas special of any show ever I see people in my apartment building that have never worked the whole time they have lived here and get not only take out, but delivery nearly every single night! Priorities! Lots of people do it. Racism is a systematic institution and white people are not affected by it. I love Mateo! I am always sad that we dont see enough of him! I think it was around late 2000's because it came out in 2018 and said he has been clean now for 8 years at the end of the movie. Same reason House was not Dr House Just sounds better