MovieChat Forums > Cry50 > Replies

Cry50's Replies

Sorry I never bump old topic of mine but this is true Yes people do this when they stop playing a video game. It is just attention seeking type guy I have looked into this thank you and also saw this in HD version recently so it was good quality You see asshole asshair and asscrack in science fiction style. They put this asshole in for some reason. But what is reason? We do not know yet No this is different you cannot enter a body through titty but you can through this man ass, so there is this whole difference White people are stealing black people slang at huge fast rate because of Internet and social media, then use this stolen word too much and ruin it Even in the time to write this post white ppl will have steal maybe two or three more extra words They must be stopped No these things are annoy and then is just people always having to press like buttons, it become like a Facebook. I think forum is better where you have to reply in words to this person, like I am replying now, instead of just press one button. But they should fix the format on mobile where you cannot have long conversation because text falls off screen onto the floor Well that is crazy thank you How u ride two horses, jump from on to the other after some time? Yes I hate aggressive ppl I want to punch them I can not say, I did not finish movie I only watch for 40 minutes Yes this is fine If sports car was big oversize sport car that float around with no gravity then yes this would be distract You cannot sneak in titty this big This is not what I have talked about, you must read again. Big titty = not scary Yes this one with Oliver reed So you maybe don't scare. See this thing simple, big titty = not scary, unless person has phobia of this thing Only for sex horror and other like exploitation horror or some other small category horror So what if you are watching 1st paranormal activity and this woman all of a sudden expose her big titty. You still feel scare? Remember those were very big titty Or if you watch Blair witch project and Al of a sudden Heather bust out a big titty, you still scare then? Or you watch psycho and somewhere in that film, but not shower scene, you see huge distracting titty, maybe Norman wear fake ones when he pretend to be his mother You still scare then? It is no good. You still get scare by horror movie with these big distraction?