MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I’m not going to be able to handle “GOAT...

I’m not going to be able to handle “GOAT” for the next two weeks...

Until the Super Bowl. It’s become the most overused sports term ever. I miss back when the “goat” was the person that screwed up and cost the team the game. Haha.

Seriously, count how many times you hear GOAT with sports coverage the next two weeks. Wonder when people will get sick of it, because I have been for a couple of years now.

It’s become like “troll” for people on the internet. You don’t go two seconds without hearing it.


Another lame buzzword that needs to be retired, along with "snowflake" and "Karen," and many others.


“Karen” is the worst! Dumbest insult I’ve ever heard. I guess it’s just supposed to be a stereotypical white woman’s name? Funny thing is, these self proclaimed supposed “progressive anti-racism” morons that use the insult don’t see the irony in it. 🤣 The imbeciles on Twitter worship the insult “Karen.”

People really need to help millennials with their insults. The most they have ever come up with is “Karen”, and “Ok Boomer.” Weak.


I didn't realize it had racial overtones. I thought it referred to any woman who had a "I'm entitled to everything" attitude.


It absolutely does. I don’t care that it does...I just crack up at the hypocrisy. It’s the generic name they picked for a white woman being entitled and throwing a fit about something.


This topic is the GOAT! 😂

At first when reading sports posts I had no idea what GOAT meant, I assumed it was derogatory akin to calling a talentless player a donkey.





White people are stealing black people slang at huge fast rate because of Internet and social media, then use this stolen word too much and ruin it

Even in the time to write this post white ppl will have steal maybe two or three more extra words

They must be stopped
