MovieChat Forums > Cry50 > Replies

Cry50's Replies

It is too late its is already decide It is ok we have decide that she is living her dream of being a wife in every movie. Yes many women dream of being a wife, so maybe this is her dream . if she lives her dream i must respect it This did not last long before she start being a wife in every movie. She is hulk wife also. So hulk wife, aragorn wife...she is too many peoples wife @Filmbuff. Yes many women will sleep with men because they buy them things and have lots of money. You deny this? I will respond at bottom of page Well yes she cannot play a wife when she is child, except maybe in some indian country or iran or somewhere like that Yes good story. If womem just used bathroom quicker like men there would be no queue, but they are selfish and take up too much time and do makeup and other things. How long it takes to urinate? Maybe three minutes. So they make no sense. Well yes we agree she is awful and realistic Yes many times people pay for sex, buy gifts or expensive meal for woman and they have sex. You are saying that is prostitute. So if you take woman out first time, buy expensive meal, then you have sex she is prostitute? Well yes but you have to admit it make her action stand out when compare her to peter because he try to be selfless. She had bad upbringing but she is still tertible character. I will list some things that she does in my next post to show this That is just deflection because you know i am right Yes is non psychoactive also can use jetski ok and sometime rollerblading or bicycle stuff like that Yes good advice as this cbd craze has attract a lot of very unsafe and untrustworthy people trying to make money But there is lot of information out there so anyone should be able to weed out the bad choices So is peter but he is trying to be a good person and also has to be spider man saving the city. Obviously not because less people means less posts which means some movies there are no discussion. It can not be better because of this, very simple. Yes as i say, it is very realistic. All women like money, not just prostitute. Do you deny this? But she is a whiney buzzkill, she is awful.