Heisenberg's Replies

Thanks again Ok, but the show was not really about him. It's about him AND Larry David. And we all know who's more interesting of the two. He looks like a rapist. He sounds like, talks like, acts like. Why even pretend he is not? He should just own it balls out. Don't go the route of other crybaby rapists like Weinstein or Masterson. Go to jail with your chin up Gerard! Maniac Mansion Impossible Agreed. She is a pretty girl here. In GB she is hot but boney and already scary looking, she lost fat in the right places which she had in Alien. I will check it out, thank you for the headsup. It sounds interesting, I hope it's also entertaining, Stern usually is. Wow, your reply is even gayer than your OP. Yes, I agree. And she was not really angry at Bill. And also, she was dancing in plain sight, while he disappears for a bit. So, there are no doubts about what she did at the party, while his actions are open for questions. Certainly they did not try hard to give the sets a distinctive look. They went for bland and minimal, it backfired. Absolutely nothing! OP is gay. Innocent of what? Yeah, only in a joke. In reality I doubt she would manage to hit a barn with an AMR. ATM with Chrissy or Janet? How did he end up in prison? Yes that one exactly! You read my mind! Which one was the episode with the misunderstanding? 1-172 I always find the one with the misunderstanding to be the most ridicolous episode. Well, you'd be surprised. Wonder if he did. I bet he regretted it the minute after. I don't have a number, but I doubt it is worth fucking trump. Even for a porn actress.