ebhaynz's Replies

5 pounds that's only 6 USD and I love old theaters. It's funny Hollywood pay tons of money to get great critic reviews and still can't win. I know, the number of single American's in their 20's/30's has skyrocketed. Can't blame them one bit. I've visited many of my friends house and often they tell me their 20 something kid is living with them, in the bedroom on the internet only coming out to raid the kitchen. This is a great question. Hollywood has always pandered to the sign of the times. Right now we're in an era where the once mighty U.S. middle class has been knocked down to overworked lower middle class/poor. The only people in America who can somewhat comfortably keep their heads above water are white women(and, to a lesser extent, Black women. They're the ones working, making money, loads of dispensable income. Hollywood panders to the ones who have dispensable income. Plus, we have to factor in that American's have been really dumbed down, movies have to cater to them as well. So, what do we get? Stupid, cartoonish, cheap CGI, white girl/Asian girl/black girl boss movies. My best answer as to whether or not a male led Mad Max movie would bomb is; probably..because there's not enough men who can afford for the expensive tickets and if they could they've been conditioned to see another Marvel movie. Now you, the reader, probably have enough money to see a Mad Max movie several times over. But you're in the minority. Most cannot. True, I just skip over that part but it does piss people off. Yep, he knows if he tells the truth(which is that most movies suck) then his viewership drops drastically. I just think the writing got better and better, didn't matter if Diane was around or not because the other characters were always hilarious. But, I will say Rebecca did have some great moments that I don't think Diane could have pulled off. SO yes, Rebecca(occasionally) > Diane. "The Execution" the doomed psychopath is perfectly played by Albert Salmi. Great typecasting as he ended up shooting his wife in real life, then turning the gun on himself. It's not just America I lived in S. Korea until 2011 they were skinny and now it's 2024 and I swear to God almost all Koreans are obese and stupid. It only took 10-15 years. Now I'm in Thailand, once one of the thinnest countries on earth. They pile crate after crate of sugar laden junk to the ceilings of stores and supermarkets. Now over half of Thai's are disgustingly fat and/or obese. She was in Spielberg's inner circle, she broke his virginity. Vain Brody takes off his glasses for the tiger shark group picture. roger1 wrote: "Maybe this accounts for a famous story written somewhere that Universal brass flew "a woman" (Universal staffer? Professional hooker?) out to the Martha's Vineyard location to "placate" the harried and exhausted Spielberg and to keep him happy about his job. This has been documented, never confirmed by Spielberg(who was single at the time.)" From Peter Biskind's book "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls" "A female friend of a friend was brought out from L.A. for recreational sex. She slept with him, and left". My best guess is Margot Kidder was the female friend who sent her friend to sleep with Spielberg. It was mostly Spielberg. They loved their new kid wunderkind as he was the opposite of difficult directors like William Friedkin. They also knew it would be a very difficult shoot so they gave him the whole summer to figure it out. I think Universal took a good look at the success of French Connection, Godfathers, and The Exorcist and thought Jaws/Spielberg was a gamble worth taking. She wouldn't allow the district attorney(or anyone else in the court room)to use a cell phone but she didn't abide by her own rules. So, Clyde took advantage of this. Prob just an exhibition fight, they won't do any real damage but they will make millions. Fury Road was a big summer release, they had a huge marketing campaign and George Miller, Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron went on an extensive press tour. It wasn't overlooked it was in all the theaters in Imax, 3D and standard formats. Because it had decent action it did ok at the box office. <b>Fury Road a masterpiece? No, if it was a masterpiece it would have made a TON of money. It's just so-so.</b> Miller is still adding pre-production storyline elements from Mad Max 3. Byron Kennedy drafted them up before he died in a helicopter crash. Miller has simply floundered without him. I think Nicholson is the goat as he consistently delivered hit after hit in FIVE different decades. Pacino was consistent until around 1995 that's when his yelling at the end of the movie schtick wore thin. DeNiro also petered out around the mid 90's. Keitel is similar to Nicholson, maybe not in talent but he's been very good over SIX decades. Bad Lieutenant and Reservoir Dogs in the same year. Then The Piano and Pulp Fiction the next 2 years. Then Smoke and Blue in the Face the next year. It'd be hard to find another star, even Nicholson, who delivered so many powerful performances in just a few short years. 1. Mad Max 2 2. Mad Max 3. Beyond Thunderdome(but it mostly sucked) 4. Furiosa(it's gotta be better than lame Fury Road) 5. Fury Road It's funny I saw Fury Road twice in the theater and once at home and I can't tell you much about the storyline. If I had to explain it to my niece I'd say the good guy is a captive until halfway through the movie, he somehow gets loose, teams up with some bald woman, turns the truck around, and takes out the bad guy with an oxygen mask on his face. The only fun part of the movie is some skinny guy with white paint all over his body and he pours gasoline all over his body but unfortch never lights himself up.