Tricklebrook's Replies

LOL How right you are! They're talking about the ones used in hot glue guns. Do a search on Amazon "hot glue gun kit" and you'll see what they are. Or try this link if MovieChat still lets us post links. So no big reveal. I should've known. Thanks! Thank you for letting me know. To answer the question in your subject line -- yes, I care about this. I've been reading and watching and will be following the trial. <blockquote>.....the hero police officer was Muslim of a non child bearing capability</blockquote> I'm not sure what you mean by this. The character had a son. I thought the Lianne La Havas cover of Don McLean's 'Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)' during the credits was lovely. <blockquote>I more was speculating that they were already marked for death.</blockquote> Oh, for sure. And I think they were doomed the minute they decided to go. I didn't see any evidence that they were trying to recruit anyone except Dani. Maybe because he could have sent someone the photos he took, so they killed him before he had a chance to do that? Wow, hownos, you're always in-the-know! 😎 Looks like I might be able to follow the plot! At the time, I thought it was so his name would be forever connected to Lennon's. After reading the article I linked, that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't see any reason to doubt what Chapman himself says. Do you? Here you go: I've always loved the harmony in this song. Yvonne Elliman and Marcy Levy! I liked it, too. It was a thoughtful treatment of the premise. I liked it. I'll watch if it gets another season. As far as the characters go, I think the most despicable one is the grieving mother. Thanks for the link! That was great. True. I thought about that, too! I'm surprised no one mentioned this -- some families call their children by first and middle name. Billy Ray, Carrie Anne, Peggy Sue. This is fairly common in the south and her parents were Texas natives so perhaps that is the case with her. For me it was when they started talking about Richard's brother Aden. I was like, "WHAT?! They never mentioned a brother," and almost turned it off, thinking they'd messed up with their continuity. But, then, of course, as I continued to watch, I realized what was happening. That was quite ingenious. I don't think I've even seen that incorporated into a time travel story.