TheMan18's Posts

Compared to the director's other works, what's this one like? Who are the good guys (or heroes) and who are the bad guys (villains) in this film? Is this director Kim Ki Duk's most disturbing film? Is being a publicist (like Colin Farrell's "Stu Shepherd" character) in itself a disrespectable job? Is this really a goof? "If you're lying, I'll be BACK". Is our world real? Is this movie any good? Why is it called "Bastards"? Isn't it funny how inside the enchanted castle... When Sam tells Max Cady in a car that... Ryan Nicholson's over the top rape and revenge horror "Torched" (2004) had that trope in it too. Why is it called "No Reason"? Any reasons? Is the main character, the man, meant to be sympathetic? Or nasty? Is this interactive movie seriously tries to say that... What if something like this happened in real life? Snow White: A Tale of Terror versus Snow White the 1937 Disney animation. Parallelisms between rape and revenge movies and action movies. This is essentially...