Ant1238's Replies

How was it a “mashup” of Halloween and Friday the 13th? Not a coincidence at all--Andie sees Bess obsessing over the boy, then takes a shining to him herself. Moose, you imbecile! Moose! Hahahaha, what does this even mean? Biden wasn't president when movie theaters shut down, idiot. Also, "cinema" doesn't refer to movie theaters. What a surprise someone who uses the term "China Joe" is a fucking imbecile. Also really trashy since the director of this movie is a Chinese woman. What even brought you here? He saw a velociraptor. Two, actually. Then, unfortunately, a third. Saying that this nonsense is better than Argento or Martino is laughable. Ohh, it's just a movie. That explains that! I was kinda disappointed, was expecting a Friday the 13th/Deliverance ripoff to be more entertaining. And, you know, to actually kill off some of the characters! (Spoilers) He was the killer! (Him and his mom.) Joe Pantoliano? Oh Jesus Christ, bye I just watched this and I'm seriously wracking my brains trying to think of a black person in this movie...? But they didn't... When actors change their names, they get changed on IMDb. It has nothing to do with transgender issues whatsoever. When an actress gets married and changes their last name, that is updated too. If someone legally changes their name, it is updated. Yeah, that’s the one I thought it was originally, so I rewatched it, and no scene like that! So I definitely remembered that the series I was thinking of was Boogeyman (2005) and it's sequels in '07 and '08; the third part takes place on a college campus. However! I may have been confusing two movies/series, as I'm not sure this one has the whole blowing-up-pictures-on-floor bit. Yeah, that was the joke. :-\ Why would I ignore a response to my post? I'm not rude. I know it's going to piss a lot of people off. I have seen that it has pissed a lot of people off. That is literally what this post is about. Those people are stupid. That is the point. Your responses, especially having not seen the movie, are trite and useless. Cabin is both a slasher and a parody of slashers. This is a crime thriller and a parody of crime thrillers?