Unlikable characters

Especially the males. Douchy *beep*


I agree: The script failed to develop actual personalities; and too many of them are unconvincingly unlikable. We don’t know these people nor do we care about ’em, which is a big mistake in the slasher genre.

Nevertheless, the sylvan locations are outstanding (shot in the coastal Redwoods of extreme Northern California), the antagonist is well realized and the no-name cast is diverse, featuring 2-3 that would move on to more proficient works (Hannah, Ward and Zmed). The film improves in the second half as it becomes a survival-in-the-woods tale with a couple original elements, like the way the prey (try to) become the hunters and the notable appearance of the (main) antagonist.


Joe Pantoliano?


Yeah, he was in this. I can't remember how big his part was though.



He was the killer! (Him and his mom.)


I was wondering about that. It's been awhile since I've seen it.


I was kinda disappointed, was expecting a Friday the 13th/Deliverance ripoff to be more entertaining. And, you know, to actually kill off some of the characters!


It has its points of interest, but I was disappointed too. I think every Friday the 13th flick is more entertaining. I guess we should show it some mercy, though; the crew in the Redwoods consisted of only four people.


Unlikeable, and then the majority of them make it to the end. This seriously must be a record for survivors in this type of slasher.
