Moderator4's Replies

I'd say that's a yes seeing as it's by the same poster. I'm sure many ex forum board members from IMDB know this place exists. Most probably thought it was stopped and never thought to look for replacements or know that of all the available forums, this place got it's db directly from IMBD so the old IMDB forum posts are still here. Nobody's paying me shit for this job. I have no idea what thread was deleted and we Mods have no access to something once deleted so I cannot check. I have searched the email reports for 'Sirtis' and nothing comes up. Is it possible the referred to thread was not under her profile but under another category? It's all I can think of as I so no reason for a thread about her leaving twitter would be removed. The moderator rules ARE enforced. They are just different from the member rules. If you invite children to your house, tell them to be on their best behaviour and some start squabbling, you don't throw them out but you let them try and learn from it to be the better person or sort it out amongst themselves and realise their pointless endeavour. However, if they start kicking and pulling hair then you take action. That's pretty much this place. And I have answered your question as to what types are not allowed, so yet again and for the final time - anything hateful or harmful (and I'll also add illegal). We have our rules as Moderators which tell us to be mostly hands off when it comes to moderating unless it falls under certain criteria. We don't want to have to keep telling off or banning for 'grow up children' type posts but we don't tolerate deliberate nastiness or targeted harassment. If you can't tell the difference between the two then I'm sorry that your comprehension or emotional skills are lacking. Maybe you really shouldn't venture into internet forums where other people may offend you? Plenty of echo chambers around to post to. This isn't one of them. I won't be pointing this out to you in reply again as I have made the answer very clear several times already. As I said, the reported nasty ones were removed and if someone called you a CCP paid propagandist, that is their right to do so because that doesn't breach any rule here. They can call you that, a clown, a troll or a bot etc. You have the choice to ignore in 2 different ways or to reply as you see fit, either by childish or reasoned argument. If the reply crosses the line of nastiness, hate or harm then we step in. This applies to everyone. If you don't care what others believe then why are you complaining so much and reporting their replies? The majority didn't break any rules as they were at childish insult argument level. There's a lot of that here and if people don't like it, just don't reply or put the person on ignore. It's hard to have a two-sided conversation when nobody rises to the bait. But you are complaining. That's why you made this thread - you made a post and someone said shut up troll or whatever, so you reported many people and you came here to complain too. Can't cite any posts I removed because we don't have access to them once removed but there were some I deleted that crossed the line. Honestly though, if you really don't know when something a person or yourself says crosses the line from mild insult to deliberate nastiness, perhaps do some soul searching? You did report some posts that stooped to the mild level whether you recall doing so or not. Again, and this applies to everyone here, we are one of the few sites on the internet that allows free speech as much as is possible and people may not like that or they may love it, but nobody is forced to come here or stay here. We aren't going to change because we value and welcome all opinions whether we agree with them or not, so long as they are not promoting hate or harm, but we will not take the woke left's version of that which is to denounce and ban everyone they don't agree with or want to shut up for X reason. And the really nasty ones were deleted but that doesn't negate that you still report things that are at the level of bickering children. There are many people who will provoke a reaction and for many different reasons, not all bad, but don't expect replies to be all rainbows and unicorns when you know your post was intended to push someone's buttons. Not all your posts are innocently framed and virtually all of them are in the Politics section, so don't be surprised about pushback to them. Or maybe follow the rule of not talking politics or religion at the dinner table if you aren't looking for arguments. This is a free speech board (as much as possible). Calling someone a 'dork' or 'dumb' in reply (i.e. the content of some of the posts by people that you have reported to us) is just kindergarten level insults and if those type of names offend you and you have nothing better than to try to provoke people, (as many of your posts appear to be designed for,) then this site really isn't for you. When both parties get into an argument and are calling each other names, we don't often get involved unless it's obvious targeted/sustained harassment. In most of the cases reported, this is the usual scenario so either the person reporting the other has absolutely no self-awareness that they are just as bad as the person they reported or they think they are special and should be treated as such (we don't take sides). It's easier to just ignore someone or hit the ignore button if they really piss you off, because everyone at some point will end up in an argument with someone here but if we banned all reports, there would be hardly anyone left here. That about sums up many of the reports. We did. We got you an 'ignore' button. Not gonna happen, lol. Well that would be giving away my secrets if I told you! I was asked to become a Mod by one of the other Mods. It was then cleared with Jim who set up the account. I have replied to every message I have ever received. I don't know who Jim is, have very little interaction with him but my suspicion is that he may have been part of IMDB's staff who didn't want to see the boards die and so was able to get agreement to continue them here. It would explain his lack of presence here and how the place is left 'as is'. Just a theory though so don't read anything into it. No idea what would happen if something were to happen to him. Perhaps he never thought about that? I will message him and ask. Hello. Fuck you very much. :) I'd be more worried about if Jim disappeared. The best Mods would never be seen. Yes, and we enforce those rules as much as we are able to.