NukeDude's Replies

Yep, that's another possibility thomas998 conveniently ignores in his screed. "I'm not kidding!" -- Joe Biden, many times a day "...And if you have a white family don't throw in some Tongan niece because it doesn't make any fucking sense..." While I agree with some of your post, how do you know the Tongan's parents didn't adopt her? That's certainly within the realm of possibility. Possibly, but that would not explain Ellie's nostalgic excitement and familiarity with game dialog. "Marlene" There, I fixed it for you. 😉 That might apply in some cases but not all, for sure. My dad was born and raised in "Noo Yawk" city and by his own admission sounded like a typical "Noo Yawker" until he was in his early 20s. After graduating from Columbia and landing a management job at a major international oil company, he realized that having *any* heavy US regionalized accent was a detriment in the corporate world - correct articulation was the way to go. So, he taught himself to have no accent whatsoever and believes that helped him achieve career success. He retired as president of an international subsidiary of the same original oil company he started with. My thoughts exactly. He's showing his's "Calvary" not "Cavalry," it's "Grammer" not "Grammar." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You and Silverscreen below should submit those as Goofs. But then, the movie would have been about 5 minutes long. 😎 Your post is a perfect example of "Whataboutism." So, euthanizing dogs as part of cardiac care research to benefit humans is worse than intentionally killing human fetuses. I see. Why *should* she have a "European" accent (whatever that is)? Why does Hollywood insist on pushing the agenda of ~5% of the population onto the 95%? It is "social engineering" in that enterainment vehicles (series, movies, etc.) are portraying gay relationships in a way that "normalizes" them, therefore attempting to make them more acceptable to the majority, non-gay population. About 95% of the US population is straight. Why do trolls like you insist on posting anonymous insults from the safety of your mommy's basement? Does that give you some sort of perverted sense of importance in what is probably a miserable existence? All China or North Korea has to do is float 3 balloons over the west, midwest and east with EMP nukes on them, light them off, and this country would be in the 1800s again and ripe for the taking. No need to fire a shot or a missile. Shama-lama-ding-dong has gone woke too trying to be relevant...again. Straight guys are usually turned off by such things. 94% of the male US population is straight and my guess is that most of that 94% are turned off by gay male sex/kissing. other bet is that most of that 94% straight male population find nothing wrong with two gorgeous chicks kissing/having sex. More than a little hypocrisy? with it. ;-) The car could have been explained any number of ways. The explicit gay aspect was gratuitous and could have been handled another way without the deep throating of the two "bears." ND