NukeDude's Replies

No, but I'm not a TV snob either...unlike you, it seems. It's a frikkin' TV show...just like millions of others in which a certain amount of belief has to be suspended. ND Fair enough. The guy earns millions of $$ from his extremely violent, firearm-filled movies yet he is virulently anti-2nd Amendment and believes private ownership of firearms in the United States should not exist. Anyone who is a staunch American and who believes in and embraces the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution should recognize that this turd is shitting on their faces if they buy a ticket to any of his movies. Pretty sure that came out as "Messicans." LOL "The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one..." I'm done with your shit. Go fuck yourself. "Since (in your opinion) it's not scientifically possible to be transgender, your question make no sense." So, you are saying that someone's genetic code (science) can somehow be magically changed? Are you saying that a person with XY chromosomes can be made (transformed) into someone with XX chromosomes and vice versa? Are you a science denier? "The point is that sexual orientation and gender identity are completely different things. The movie in question doesn't have a trans character, so why bring them into this?" On your first point, gender is a social construct. For 99.9999% of the world population, when a baby is born it is either male or female; sex and gender are exactly the same. Those who are born male but later on in life self-identify as female have mental stability issues, as do those in the opposite. On your 2nd point, and to clarify, I didn't bring trans characters into any part of this thread - someone else did. "...Your post was about gay people, not transgender people." Please enlighten us. What percentage of transgender (by the way, not a scientific possibility) people are NOT gay? Cinematic license. That would be incredible, but hey - it's a TV show. "Huntress" Reminds me of a lesbian bar called "The Huntress" in Orange County (CA). While in field training for OCSD, my FTO took me there for a "bar check" and it was quite the experience to walk through and see the - ahem - variety of women there. The only guys were bartenders. Perhaps there are many pods like that one. Hate speech? Where? LIAR! I never said it was "normal." Go fuck yourself. I never supported Walker. As far as a link to someone who "had" (I assume you meant "aborted") a baby on her delivery day, are you really fucking kidding me? Who would publicly admit to such a heinous murder? Based on the fact that a woman *can* legally abort their baby right up until the moment of birth in New Mexico, it's reasonable to believe it has actually happened. I give you New Mexico. "...The state has no gestational limits or waiting periods for abortions, and it does not require parental consent for minors who want to undergo the procedure." BTW, "no gestational limits" means abortion right up to the moment of birth. So, suck on it. I give you New Mexico. "...The state has no gestational limits or waiting periods for abortions, and it does not require parental consent for minors who want to undergo the procedure." BTW, "no gestational limits" means abortion right up to the moment of birth. So, suck on it. That, and how the evil white man conquered, uprooted, and killed the peaceful Indians of the New World. The movie was 90% combat. Combat is not calm. The camera work was reflective of that. I got nuthin'. LOL...thanks for proving that trolls always try to have the "last word." I think I hear your mom calling. Have a nice day.