LenkoPenko's Replies

Lumen's season was my favorite, tbh, and I lost interest during the season after that. I did read up on what was going on in the other season. Sure was glad I wasn't wasting my time on them. I concur. Well, something being popular on certain parts of the internet doesn't always translate to box office success, especially during a movie's theatrical run, as you've said. It did do well though, considering its measly budget. To me personally, this movie was not an enjoyable experience. It was interesting, but not something I'd go out to watch. I'd definitely give the first season a watch and probably end there. The show soon begins to suffer from a thing I can only describe as <spoiler>surprise android</spoiler> syndrome. Not to mention all the <spoiler>memory implantation</spoiler>. It just keeps happening and the amount of "twists" that had to do with it just got really stale. Season 2 had one of the most wonderful, touching eps though (ep 8), so I'd probably watch just for that. It felt disconnected enough from the rest of the season that it probably could be watched as a standalone without missing too much. Season 3 though... I'd rather not be reminded of it. It was really bad, imo. Gone are the attempts at ambiguity or subtlety. I'm not sure what I'd compare it to. Sorta like if the "Ex Machina" robot went on to have kids. I like that it keeps some of the backstory a mystery and reveals bits of it over time, but also doesn't rely on us knowing the ins and outs of that society beyond the main conflicts. My issue mostly lies with the characters. They just feel silly a lot of the time. Ep 6 and onward has them do some very dumb shit... <spoiler>And seriously, why didn't they put fences around their living area? ffs. You'd think they'd have it in their programming, lol...</spoiler> As for whether or not I'd recommend it... Yeah, why not? Give it a go. You can't really know until you watch it if it's something you'd enjoy or not. It's the other way around. As for your original point, beating up anyone (unless in self-defense) is wrong. Hopefully parents won't become so useless as to neglect teaching their children that simple fact. One of the rare times I actually preferred the movie to the book! It's just so well made. Figured it was the product of solitude. Being alone, not knowing when or if anybody is gonna figure out he's alive (and then come to rescue him), all contributed to him losing it a bit. Talking to a camera, cracking jokes, maybe even imagining there's an "audience" to it - was all stuff he did to keep going. That's my interpretation. I'm not sure what him being a scientist has to do with having a dumb sense of humor. I watched 2 eps and I'm very confused. It's an odd show, for sure. Can't say I'm enjoying it so far, lol. Of course it was on purpose, but it doesn't mean it was a good choice. Not every movie needs to have a sequel. Some stories are concluded within a single entry and there's really no need to muddle the experience with what would most likely end up being a cash-grab. The ending is pretty conclusive, too... You could argue the world is interesting enough to revisit (like, the aftermath of the precogs being gone), but dunno, I think turning it into a franchise would be silly. Should've been more specific, I guess... The character itself was ruined, imo. That aside, those elements being present doesn't mean the rest of the movie/characterization is any good. Not sure what you're trying to say. Yeah, I enjoyed the Deadpool movies and the way the story was handled there. Can't say the same about either of the Dark Phoenix-centered movies. It's been around 20 years, but as far as I remember, the animated series did an ok job with that specific plotline, but they weren't constrained by a single movie. I can only speak for myself, but that's not at all what bothered me about the film. Not sure how they played male types, besides maybe Kate, but her character was just weird. I haven't seen many romantic comedies, so I dunno about that, but a lot of the scenes dragged on and on and felt really out of place. It was just like all the other Paul Feig movies... boring and uninspired. Also, you can relate to characters (or just find them interesting) without wanting to date or be them. Nah, that's silly. I do think however, that Paul Feig is a terrible director and most of the main cast was pretty bad. They're just not good actresses, imo (besides Kristen Wiig), but even if they were, nothing could've saved the movie from Feig's awful directing. I actually did like the music. Don't get the hate for that particular part. Ok, but in what situations does it even come up? And is it really that important to you that trans women/men want to be refereed to one way or the other? Especially when they've transitioned and it's hard to tell. Sure, biologically, they will forever be a certain way... But socially, they can appear in a way that's more in tune with what feels right. I know it's easy to fall into the slippery slope way of thinking "what's next?!", but it's really not much of an effort to refer to a person who looks like a woman/man accordingly. I just don't get this whole crusade of "yeah, but they aren't REAL men/women". What's it to you, or me or anyone else, lol? "Real", "fake" - what does it matter? I get the frustration some people feel regarding the vocal crazies with weird pronouns, but please don't lose sight of the fact that the vast majority of trans people, those who have gender dysphoria, are just regular people trying their best to live their lives and fit in despite their condition. As far as I'm aware, that version of Wade's origin story wasn't even close to being true to the source. I've never read the source material of seen the original tv show, so having no attachment to those characters, I can't say I mind those changes. The one character that does bother me is the "sister". She's kinda annoying and not really interesting. As far as I'm aware, this show is supposed to serve as a prequel/origin story to the character of Perry Mason. Either way, the story itself is kinda odd and confusing... The developments/twists are interesting, I guess, but feel somehow convoluted more often than not. Sounds a bit agenda pushing-y, just like the other side. Not stuff I'd watch, most likely, but good for him for taking the initiative to make the stuff he wants to make instead of just whining about it.