catsidhe's Replies

If it doesn't get picked up, I can live with the ending we got. The Knick was awesome!!!! Semantics: to the man on the street, "crazy" denotes a certain degree of "fling your own poo on the wall" kind of insanity. But in your original post, you closed the entire thing by saying "I really believe he's insane." That shows me that you didn't mean "crazy" in an off-hand, light way. You armchair diagnosed the man. Then say that. Don't make statements about his mental health when you can't define insanity. Antisocial tendencies and insanity are not interchangeable expressions. Using them as such shows great ignorance. "I just don't like his face appears to be what you're really trying to say. That's not crazy. I can't say I see the immaturity for his age thing that you do. I will concede that all human beings of mature ages oftenhave moments where they don't act it. Age can be a bit "fluid" in that respect. He seems quite nice there, but there are lots of lovely people in the world who have off moments. I watched the entire actor's round table last night (thanks for the suggestion!) and the an actors on actors thing with him and Nicole Kidman. By his appearance these things are fairly recent, and he seems quite chilled out. Maybe it's the wording bothering the OP. Since "trending" here, is just "latest individual board to receive a post" it's more of a "now playing" thing. Like you, I'm not bothered by the word "trending" used in this context. It IS however, nice to see what's freshly commented on. Do you not think it possible for two siblings to develop similar interests in life? And even if he did get into acting simply because his brother was a star, he kicks ass it. What does the reason for finding your path in life matter, only that you find it. Has he always been a creep? I've never met him, so I wouldn't know. ;) There are many factors as to why someone with a fortunate life may appear a bit tetchy in public. I get the wild impression he doesn't really want the fame. The accolades, sure, but not so much the attention, and again, wild speculation here, but I'm wondering if he has indeed changed (or intensified) countenance a bit lately, whether it might have anything to do with the resurgence of the alleged sexual harrassment business in the papers prior to his Oscar win. I watched a few interviews recently, to see f I could get a sense of what you meant. I only found a quite awkward interview with Stephen Colbert (I think). He didn't seem angry to me, just suspicious - if he was expecting punches that never came, and by trying to bat the pitches before they were even thrown, he came off as tetchy. I think of that movie every time we watch the competition series! My boss had on a Mario tshirt this morning. So thought of you... ❤ Very reasonable. And THANK YOU for PMs! ❤ Not as comical as an attempted lecture on vocabulary with a badly botched 'big word' in the title, though. 👌 Uhm...that's not what 'typecast' means. Funny, I'm not American and had no trouble at all hearing and understanding Casey Affleck. Not your opponent's fault you can't see the dangerous slippery slope your thinking creates. You gonna get hunted for saying that some day....😈 I knooooow...I got a boyfriend easily distracted with the latest Face Off season. I actually typed Marveltard, but yanno...I felt stupid just typing it. 🐰