catsidhe's Replies

Good. MY MONEY. TAKE IT!!!! Oh for fuck's sake...SERIOUSLY?? THEY CANCELLED IT????? 127 Hours...with the added irritation of the entire world hailing a film about a man doing an incredibly stupid thing as "inspirational". I keep seeing people complain about Casey Affleck mumbling or "talking as though he has marbles in his mouth". Either I have incredible hearing, or a specal talent for understanding Afflecks lol, but I've yet to see a film of his where I needed subtitles activated. I don't even need to raise the volume when he lowers the volume of his voice. But I do understandwhat you mean about the less clear enunciation in general in films these days, for the realistic feel. I can't say it bothers me too much, unless there's a great deal of slang as WELL as the less clear speech. Vegans, as a rule, don't. Damien O'Donovan in "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" How does it hold up to the one with Megan Follows? Seems to be sticking with me so far. I'd buy him as a detective. He pulled off the cop thing in Triple 9 and the private detective thing in Gone Baby Gone. "Secondly, why do the trash people talk like cavemen. I hate it. Do they all have learning disabilities? ESL?" Bugged the living shit out of me. That and their leader's piss pot hairstyle. Oh hi, me! Is this why I couldn't register with my underscore??? "Vegan!?! Boy, did you know that vegan's and vegetarian's have more heath problems than those who eat meat?" One of the dumbest things I've read in ages. Two Face is heartbreaking!!!!! "Her native language is African" Not sure how to break this to you, but African isn't a language. She speaks Afrikaans, one of the 11 languages of South Africa. I may need a moment to recover from that unintentional pun. OMG OMG OMG now I'm jealous - I wish to have those 3 seasons waiting for me. Not that I don't have my fair share of series to play catchup with. (Like "Hold and Catch Fire" and "Better Call Saul") Great way of putting it! I sometimes miss characters of shows (even those that had proper endings!). Like Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder in Justified. That's a pity, they're still great viewing experiences. I still give shows like that a chance as many people put a lot of work into it, and just because tv powers that be fail us, doesn't mean we have to be entirely robbed. Smart way to do it, especially with big name actors in the cast. And since it's been axed, extra smart, since we actually at least have some closure for this particular arc. I'm still upset about the rude way Carnivale was axed with no closure at all.