Reality's Replies

I believe the chap who played the titular character has claims of drug induced sedation with a means to sexual assault those who couldn't see what he was up to. All claims at this point but it has been shown that he did have sexual intercourse outside of his married life to his wife and had quaaludes about his person at times and so enough suspicion is placed upon him acting like a hypnotic spirit who abused their position of not being fully noticed for their actions - much like his character has an angle on within the movie. Ghost Dad. What came first is always my question when pondering this. Well, apart from me of course! I query the consent issue - the actual part about it being rape and I'm against you why? Because I'm saying there could be people making any actual rape allegations weaker by having their stories told alongside potential true ones and weakening a class action law suit? I hope he gets off and caught for an actual rape afterwards. Then at least he can be tried on one case with no interference from people looking to make a buck. Just a real shame any other actual victims won't get their retribution but hey, at least he'll get done for an actual rape as oppose to some women further raping actual rape victims because bucks!! I heard you touch young boys by the way, why do you do that? I've got a pile who'll come and and say you have and so don't play that "It never happened card" to me. The...oh...I dunno...1000 Indian boys I can muster up for a couple of hundred dollar to give testimony. Admit it, you are a kiddie fiddler and should lose access to all your liberties! 1000 kids can't all be lying can they? Logic and mate. All we really know is that he was probably drunk. There is still some mystery about consent, but yeah - he's pretty much cheated on his wife and abused a position of privilege on a few occasions. Could be the false accusers are spoiling any true ones with their stories though. Delicate stuff, particularly if it turns out it was all consensual. Odd that you would bring this up now though RussellNash. Search your know it to be true. Even reaching a climax can be tough for some in the easiest situations. To them I also offer a big 👏 I was talking about a fan fiction follow-up to Return of the King... ...Galdalf turning soil and lighting his way by flame during the night. People would pay good money for identical props for themselves! A court of law would be my best advice on this one. The death penalty could be brought in if it went absolutely beyond any reasonable doubt but that takes a lot of proof and I'm not sure there's anything other than gossip at this point. Perhaps intervention and counselling might work too. Not for those who have crossed the line into a criminal act of course but for those with these longings which will perhaps perpetuate the problem. A few hints were dropped over the years that it was an open secret at the BBC. Could be, Mrs Peacock says "Is that what we ate?" When Wadsworth is explaining it all in two of the endings and the humorous element would be her enjoying it so much whilst at dinner earlier. It's been a number of years since I've seen Clue but that part stands out particularly because, between Clue and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom suggesting that it is, I'd never heard of monkey brains as a culinary dish. Or he's not seen a miracle yet... Isn't it monkey brains? But why would Millburn try to treat it like a pet when it's clearly showing aggressive signs to him?