jareduf's Replies

Really intersting. Both Johnson and Disney executives involved in this need to be immediately fired. Unfortunately the damage is done unless we get a re-do of E8. I'm sure Hamill would do it, but this will never happen. I hope Johnson never directs again and I will not be watching any future movie he's involved in. Rightfully so. Disney and Johnson doing damage control. Disney putting out flyers claiming negative ratings are the reason that the score on RT is so low (currently a 56...ouch). That's so lame on their part insulting true fans who are pissed at this movie masquerading as Star Wars. The worst part of it all is Johnson destroyed this trilogy and I don't see how its repairable. Never have I seen a sequel completely dismiss every question raised in the first movie. Even if E9 is better, I don't see how it will be great. Other than Rey fighting Kylo, nothing else is left unsaid and the rebellion scenes were so bad that who really cares what happens. This movie was such a lay-up. Fans growing up with Star Wars were giddy over the thought of Luke training Rey and we get basically nothing. Luke is a bitter older man, Snoke is a worthless villain when he could have been great and Rey's parents were bums. List goes on and on. That's hilarious. Well said. To me this was the most dissapointing part of the movie. How is there not a large focus on her training? Epic fail. Can't believe how much the director/writer messed up this movie. Really does make you question the critics on this one. Are they so afraid of upsetting the new Big Brother? I get some critics may like it, but 93% on RT is a joke. That's so funny. I totally ageee. I get changing it up a bit, but sheesh this movie left a lot to be desired. No real Luke-Rey training, Snoke dies with no idea who he really was and without ever fighting Luke, Rey's real parents are junkies, Luke vanishes into the force without ever fighting and seeing what he's capable of and the important aspects of the plot were in very few scenes in the movie. A very dissapointing movie. Can't believe Disney signed off on this. Really poor writing at the end. To have Luke die like that was a huge letdown to the fans. How do you not have Snoke and or Ben vs Luke. That's fine he protects the resistance but why does he die right after. This movie was letdown after letdown. Rey's parents are nothing of significance and Luke is no longer part of the story. Where was all the training between Luke and Rey. That would have been epic. Totally missed on so many levels. Disney needs to figure out a way to fix this or risk losing a lot of fans of the franchise. Absolutely missed that. Nice catch! Good question. This was completely left unsaid. It seems like she probably did, but can't be sure. Should have been addressed. I thought the same thing. It makes sense he had to be an old man baby or he couldn't be delievered. However, he should also become a larger size baby at the end and when he dies. I agree as well. That's how I would describe the movie. I thought the movie was good if I saw it on the history channel as you stated, but only decent as a movie. I like the history channel, but will watch TV instead of going to the movies if I wanted to see this. Definitely over-rated and I'm surprised by the love fest for this movie. Love Prestige, Momento, Inception and Interstellar but didn't love this one. Thanks for sharing as well! I was hoping for that name as well. I did find an article which tries to explain the reason for the name Aegon. Thought the board might find this article interesting. www.bustle.com/p/why-did-rhaegar-name-two-sons-aegon-targaryen-this-game-of-thrones-finale-detail-is-confusing-79475 I thought he looked like the same actor that played Viserys from S1, only older. I agree with everything you are saying, except to me it seemed like he does care about Jon Snow. The way he staired at him while he was retreating after the first battle they faught against him. The NK also seems to care about Bran also so I'm wondering if there is some sort of Stark connection. Arya was testing Sansa and believes her by giving her the knife. Sansa caught in a tough spot and handled it well. Time for Littlefinger to die and the sisters can hopefully move on. Totally agree with you. She did take a chance in sending Brienne away and when Arya goes in her bag for the knife, she must have been questioning her decision... but as soon as Arya gives her the knife, her faith in Arya is confirmed. Her growth as a character IMO is truly shown in S7e6 in the way she handled the situation. As you said, now she has Littlefinger believing she needs him and its time for one of the Stark sisters to kill Littlefinger already in s7e7. I thought it was great also! Arya giving up her knife to Sansa, now knowing which side she's on (herself or for the Starks). Sansa knows exactly what Littlefinger is up to. She played everything really well with Arya & Littlefinger and showed a lot of composure. Arya and Jon need to re-unite so she can calm down a little. Hopefully Sansa kills Littlefinger in S6e7. As for the Ice Dragon, the WWs may now may have a way of getting over the wall... or the NK will touch Bran and get over that way. Lmao... dragons stupidity. Totally agree. Great point. I never thought of this. If he survives at the end, which I think he will, he can have his happy ending with Gilly.