sensing people turning on this BvS style

Remember before BvS everyone was quite hyped with the trailer and seeing batman and superman onscreen for first time. Then it came out and after the initial thrill of a B/S movie people stared going MARTHA!! etc totally destroying it and never really stopped..the initial box office was huge and totally in line with expectations.then big drop 2nd wend..then no make it to 1b

is the same is happening here? with everyone mega hyped then the thrill of seeing Episode 8 starring Mark Hamill in the sequel to Force Awakens ..then after a couple days its MARY POPPINS LEIA, out of character Luke etc. Followed by big 2nd wkend drop? And maybe much lesser overall BO to Force Awakens


It's more like what happened with the prequel trilogy. There's an initial hype and then gradually more and more people saw that these newer movies just weren't very good.


Yeah those too


This film is MUCH better than BvS.


Undeniably. But that's not saying much


It's not even close. This is a verygood film...BvS is total garbage.


Nope. Not even close. BvS got terrible reviews from critics and fans.

This one got great reviews from critics, and mixed reception from fans. BvS was still far worse recieved than TLJ.

Also, this is still guaranteed to make over 1 billion. It won't make as much as TFA though.


Rightfully so. Disney and Johnson doing damage control. Disney putting out flyers claiming negative ratings are the reason that the score on RT is so low (currently a 56...ouch). That's so lame on their part insulting true fans who are pissed at this movie masquerading as Star Wars.

The worst part of it all is Johnson destroyed this trilogy and I don't see how its repairable. Never have I seen a sequel completely dismiss every question raised in the first movie. Even if E9 is better, I don't see how it will be great. Other than Rey fighting Kylo, nothing else is left unsaid and the rebellion scenes were so bad that who really cares what happens.

This movie was such a lay-up. Fans growing up with Star Wars were giddy over the thought of Luke training Rey and we get basically nothing. Luke is a bitter older man, Snoke is a worthless villain when he could have been great and Rey's parents were bums. List goes on and on.
