jareduf's Replies

I'm hoping its Johnathan as I find him so annoying. Imo, Nancy would never go for him but don't think they would do that to his mom. Totally agree. Star Wars is sacred and they butchered it. Superman, Batman, WW...etc. will always be movies, even if they bomb this time. There will always be new directors, actors and stories to tell. Instead of correctly passing the torch (as they did in Star Trek from Kirk to Picard), Kennedy and Johnson gave a huge middle finger to the fan base who grew up loving Star Wars. I actually like this movie for the most part, but every close up of Superman was cringe-worthy. What a dumb decision. Man I can't stand Kennedy and she destroyed Star Wars. The only way the fans can send a message is to not give them any money. Don't buy tickets to Star Wars movies and don't buy merchandise. Wait till the movies come on HBO to watch them. Now with JJ's recent comments, he shouldn't be supported either. If E9 does poorly in the theatres, at least compared to other Star Wars movies, the studio will get the message and changes will be made. That's good. I personally loved Rouge One and really liked TFA, which had its flaws but was still a fun movie. I thought it set up TLJ perfectly and they completed destroyed the trilogy with an awful movie. Not only was i really dissapointed by the movie, but was turned off by Disney's attempt to call people not liking the movie internet trolls. I also had no problem with Rey as a girl and watched the movie with my daughter since I enjoyed her character so much, but now I don't see how they save this trilogy. TLJ was actually an easy movie to make at least good and they blew it in every way imaginable. I hope the complete fall off of TLJ sales and merchandise is a sign that Disney needs to do Star Wars right or sell to someone who will. I also liked it especially if you've ever been to one of these events. Obviously embellished, but still really funny. Incredible post and insight. You nailed it. I totally agree. Not only was this a bad movie, which gets worse the more you think about it, they destroyed everything set up in TFA. While TFA closely mirrored New Hope, at least it felt like a Star Wars movie. In fact E1 through 3 and Rouge One all felt like Star Wars, but TLJ didn't at all. I'm glad most fans are seeing this the same. Shame on Disney, the ones that gave arrogant Johnson so much control over this movie and of course Johnson. They have destroyed this trilogy and it seems irreparable for the next movie. I have no idea how it can be fixed. Very interesting insight. Thanks for the feedback. I did like TFA and loved Rouge one. I think you might be right. KK is the culprit for this disaster of a movie. Wish she was fired but I doubt it. As far as Johnson's trilogy is concerned, think there is no shot now with all the backlash. TLJ 4/10 3 favorite movies: Goodfellas, Empire Strikes Back and The Usual Suspects. That would be a great way to fix his story and have him go out the right way. Hope its truth but no faith in Disney leadership. Great list. Shows why this movie was a failure. So glad they came out with this. Was getting so sick of Disney's propaganda claiming the negativity was due to trolls. Good post. Should of either had experienced writers/directors or kept Abrams for all 3 movies. How did Disney let TLJ be released when it is not only poorly written but completely dismissed E7. Terrible job by Disney and despite their bs claims that trolls are trying to bring the movie down, the trilogy is probably irreparable at this point. Unfortunately fans are the biggest losers. Hilarious! Petition now up to 34,000 people and counting. While this petition will change nothing, it will send a message to Disney for this unacceptable terribly written monstrosity masquerading as Star Wars. Of course, a drop in attendance is the best way to send a message. As of Tuesday Dec 19th afternoon, less than a week after TLJ was released, this petition is nearing 19,000 and counting. News outlets are beginning to find out about this petition and writing articles. Be interesting to see how many people will end up signing. So true. Disgusting that they're trying to spin it like that. Down to 55% on RT. Hope we see a drastic decrease in people going to see the movie.