TheChamCham's Replies

Thank you for that. And how many people would "get together" simply because they are both cancer survivors ? That's tacky. Thanks. I wondered if it was only me that thought so. @ exatera- I wrote that before we knew that her name was on the folder, but I think there were two, one at the office and the other in his home office. Peter Dinklage seems very pleased with Tyrion's "ending", for better or for worse, calling it "brilliant".Considering how long it will be before we see it, I truly hope so. It would be a shame for the series to end with a whimper. There will be a certain amount of disappointment in some characters' resolutions, as I have already felt with the Tyrells, but I am hoping that the show runners want to be the heroes and won't let us down too badly. Since we've dwindled down to basically the younger generations, I might have liked to see the older characters in their youths and how they went from poverty to power, and the higher ups that they served. Exactly !!! She's so certain that The Mountain "works" for her, but I think he will truly be Qyburn's creation and she will remember Tywin's words once more: "You are not as smart as you think you are !" Either that, or childbirth. Thank you !!! Someone really needed to say it. Aren't you glad it was you ? I don't think they were having an affair, but there may have been unrequited love on the secretary's part and that's why she is being loyal to him ie: hiding the folder, deleting things, not telling the wife,etc. Also, because she feels guilty for not being able to stop him from jumping. I also don't think the wife/friend affair is why he did it. If it turns out that way I'll be very disappointed. Divorce the wife for infidelity (NO alimony for her !!!),get custody of your kids, punch your "friend" and go on with your life. Living well is the best revenge. I think it was financial/medical issues. Hi, Stratego ! Correct about the voice. Good onscreen chemistry, good working relationship, that's all. Brendan isn't in that movie. They should have spun him off into his own series. Stranger things have happened. F R A S E R. She never smiled. And now she couldn't if she wanted to. Kanata. And you're kidding, right? I mean sure, there's palpable sexual tension between her and Han, but......... Bump bumpity bump bump, bump bump. Who do you see as her mother? Do you think we will meet her in Episode 9, or have we already met her? That's easy for you to say. You don't really know what you would do until it happens to you. He isn't a sheriff. He's a private investigator. Agreed on both counts. Wretched.