MovieChat Forums > Brendan Fraser Discussion > Great as Sherrif in Trust

Great as Sherrif in Trust

His best acting yet I wish they could spin him off in to his own series.


Yea right. Your obviously not a fan. This guy has major work under him. He's great as the Sherrif, a nice surprise but definitely not his best work. He's got a ton of outstanding performances.


I wouldn't consider myself a "fan", but I still like him as an actor. What do you consider his best performance(s)?


I haven’t see the show yet but I love gang mafia type stuff . I know it’s a true story it’s it worth a watch ? Also the mummy


I'm the opposite. I enjoyed this series despite my dislike of mafia shows/movies. I thought it was very well written, the acting was amazing and it was visually interesting.


So was he a scene stealer or was it some of the other cast ?


The entire cast is great, but he was my favorite. It's also a different type of role for him. He has also received praise from many critics.


It's not heavily on the Mafia stuff. It's just a well balanced quality series.
If Mafia is your priority. There are other shows more suited.


You should.

He's a great actor. I admire his work. Very impressive and mostly underrated.

He has too much to rank at one but I want to say just one just in case you haven't checked it out to emphasis it. You should watch it and if you've seen it I'd Recommend another one.

Gods and Monsters.


I've seen Gods and Monsters. Really good.

He was cheated out of an Emmy nomination. I notice a few nominations that aren't deserved this year, but the shows are either popular or it's routine to nominate them.

Plenty of articles like this one praising his Trust performance on the net:


And an oscar as well. But at least it good some good recognition.

"Gods and Monsters won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, and was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Ian McKellen) and Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Lynn Redgrave)"

Ian probably shouldve won. He is a much better actor than Roberto.
Judi Dench probably deserved it that year.

Glad Condon won as he is spectacular.

Yea read it. I tune-in trust because of Fraser. He is my favorite actor in it. He plays it well but I wish he had bigger role.
I was surprised and glad Swank is in it as well as I am a huge fan as well. Donald plays his character well.

Okay for my next Fraser pick.

School Ties. Just saw it recently and was blown away. One of the best performance I'd ever seen. He should've at the very least gotten nomination. He embolded the film in a film full of big talents.


Gods and Monsters received a lot of rave reviews which is why I watched it. I don't think they could make that movie today because of the metoo movement. Even Fraser was traumatized when someone touched him in the wrong way.

I"ll check out School Ties. I never heard of it.


Rave Reviews but bombed though I don't get why because it was well advertised given its budget.
I said in another thread how I saw this film which was totally accidental and probably had never seen it had that not happened. I was at a cousin friend's house who didn't like me and liked to do odd pranks on me. He had told me to watch this movie as I was saying I loved horror films. Gods and Monsters. A play on the words( if you know what I mean), I know stupid. Being the film buff I am I got juiced up to see it. I immediately checked his tv guide to what time they were giving it that night on ppv. They were giving it at 9pm. When I got home I was so hyped to see it. I got ready in full movie gear and so amped. When it started I was mesmerized how good it was. For some reason though my friend had tried to fool me for it to be a horror film I was never it expected it a type of slasher or scary type but a drama scary type. I kept waiting for something scary to happened but it never did. I took it as the gay thing was kinda scary intended for me as it was a really bad thing back then especially my background and cultural but it didnt scare me. I was really into the movie and was overly impressed on how dramatic, deep, and nostalgic it all was. I was a little kid when I saw this and nothing seemed that odd. Except the really sad ending. When Fraser did the famous Frankenstein Pose that's when I dumbly thought that my friend was referring to because it was very scary. It took me awhile to figure out he had maliciously intended to fool me to watch something that wasn't and knowingly it was gay and then it was suppose to creep me out. He hadn't known that he had mistakenly taken me to a masterpiece.


When I saw him next I was so glad to see him because I had erronously thought he had seen it and I was desperately hoping to talk to someone about that film as I strangely knew it wasn't going to be popular and I wanted to talk to someone about that great masterpiece I had been anxious to( no imdb back in the day). Then he heavily disappointed me when he hadn't seen it and barely even knew it was about gays or who the actors were. Mostly Ian who is in the main poster obviously. I heavily recommendated to him, again, with the same hope that he would've seen it and then discuss it and see how wrong he was about it but the idiot never did see it though he could've very easily cause he had illegal satellite and a huge home theater and spent most of his time lying on his ass. The Film has always stayed with me and to this day I still love it but sadly feel its so misunderstood and underappreciated.

Don't know what you mean by the #metoo movement. As if that affects anyone but the big time celebrities and movie stars. The real world continues to move on unaffected by the exterior with all its corruptions and sexual harrassments. Just because he makes a move on Fraser it doesn't it makes him a bad guy now compared to before. It would always be seen the same and be felt the same if taken by open arms. If you think the m2 movement changed the world or affected one little thing you got another thing coming. The empowered will always get away with everything and do what they like while the rest just rots in dismay.

Finally! I got you where I want you. I got you a good one. YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!


A practical joke that backfired. It sounds like you ruined your friend's joke by enjoying the film.

I haven't watched "Gods and Monsters" in years so most of it is vague now. I remember that Whale was attracted to Boone (straight) and may have tried to seduce him. That was unwanted by Boone which is why I mentioned MeToo. I'm not sure that Hollywood would make a movie with an unwanted seduction today because of the #metoo movement since that would be considered harassment now, therefore in poor taste or too controversial. Presently, Hollywood is into making mindless superhero and action flicks, anyway.

G&M isn't a mainstream movie so it would've been surprising for it to make a lot of money. I believe people and critics who have seen it do appreciate the film.

I don't know if you're aware that Fraser said he was groped by a Hollywood heavyweight and that messed him up psychologically for a long time and the same man may have caused him to be blacklisted wrecking his career.

My library has Gods and Monsters so I'll refresh my memory by rewatching it.

I'll give School Ties a shot. My library doesn't have that one, but it's on Showtime and Flixe in September. Maybe it'll pop-up on other channels, too.


I wouldn't call him a friend. A friend of a friend( cousin) and though it was a bad joke I found it to be amusing how it connected and how it was a Monster film that was supposed to be a bad film in bad humor.

I never thought he actually " tried" to seduce him but rather wanted to challenge him and put himself out of his misery as he was tenderly sad. Boone admired Whale. Looked up to him. Respect him. Just not sexually which is understandable as sex doesnt always mean respect, admiration, or mastered.
You mustve not noticed before you said that I had already made a thread about the #Metoo subject. Though Hollywood wont touch such subjects what good films they make nowadays? Even if they did it wouldnt be of the same quality.
Strangely there are some films I do like or series, " Trust", but accept they dont have the same heart. Talk about a #metoo subject, Dallas Buyers club, series like the deuce with your favorite #metoo star James Franco. I can go and on and on how they do take out some good stuff. You just gotta look hard. Or forever being living the past.


Gods and Monsters might not be a Mainstream film but to me it sort of was. They did take it out for quite a while on PPV at the time I remember vivdly and any movie buff like myself had had to have caught it. It did help it as you know that it had big time stars like McKellan, Fraser later with the Mummy, Condon became mega but I much prefer his earlier work as they were much more ambitious. It's of no surprise he did Kinsey another kink of strange uncomfortable sex subjects but a truly masterpiece with an entire allstar cast. He also did Candyman Farewell to the Flesh at the time and finely done if you ask me. Very slasher but with a strong tint of Romance, nostalgy, and sadness. A perfect Condon Film.
It did help that the film got several Oscar Nominations and some few movie buffs like myself were rooting for it as to the mainstreams. It help it get exposture and spark an interest. A very well done and lovely film in everyway. Which is such independents can be a lot more fun than such big budget wastes.

In my #metoo thread I mention Fraser's incident which I don't really believe. Fraser is not a small man. You see him in Trust. He can break some ass. I dont see anyone just walking over him. I think what bothered him was the threat of his career which as you can see did suffer. I doubt he was actually of the man. As you can see these people have the power to ruin people's career or make them.
I can see Fraser attracting other men but it isn't common for a man to have his career sabatoge or complain about it.

You should see the 720p. There's apperantly a version that shows a bit more nudity than others.
If you cant find it. I can get you a copy.

Seeing I took such a long time to respond and September is almost over. Have you seen school ties yet?


My library doesn't have School Ties and I won't be able to stream using my PC for a while. It's only available on premium channels I don't have. I'll wait patiently.

I did rewatch Gods and Monsters and realized how much I had forgotten. A very compelling film.

The groper acknowledged that it happened. But, he said it was just a "joke". The groper probably does it all the time, but believes he can get away with it since he holds some power in Hollywood. People like him know who they can abuse. Someone like Sean Penn would've killed him.


lol. I think I have it in dvd, several copies around the net, and they give it quite a bit here on my cable.

The only proper way to watch Gods and Monsters.

Widescreen HD
Home Theater
Silent Night Preferrably, a bad day or feeling depressed, and perhaps rainy.

I doubt Sean Penn is a tough guy. I'm sure Fraiser would kick his ass too.
Been watching Trust a lot more( Hadn't really in the past). Damn! Is he so big and gotten huge for the role. He looks like he cant pass a door without breaking it. I can see why you like the role. He plays it so funny yet perfect.
One thing I really like about his character is his wardrobe. It's impressive. Nobody dresses like that and it's quite hard and expensive. I know we see that in movies but I dont think I've ever actually seen anyone dress like that especially consistantly, except me of course though not consistantly but I dont like it. Not that I dont like it. I dont like the attention I get. To me is the proper way to dress but to most its uncommon and strange so it draws a lot of attention. He looks like a cowboy. A very rich cowboy. Who has the power to take a jet across country in a snap of fingers?


F R A S E R.


Sean Penn is a maniac with a violent temper. He shot at a helicopter and attacked journalists when he was with Madonna. He also allegedly physically abused her. He may have mellowed with age, but I think groping him would bring that side out again.

I just read a story about another actor, Terry Crews being groped by a Hollywood exec. He's a big guy too as well as a former NFL player. Maybe Hollywood gropers like to live dangerously or are too arrogant to believe that they'll be hit.

I'm still annoyed that he wasn't at least nominated for the role. I also liked his walk, drawl and dialogue especially when he talked to the audience.

I just read that Trust is slated for 3 seasons. Season 2 sounds like a prequel about a younger J. Paul Getty so I guess no Fraser.


They should have spun him off into his own series. Stranger things have happened.


He isn't a sheriff. He's a private investigator.


He sure looks like a Sheriff in every way possible.
