TheChamCham's Replies

The entire movie was terrible. Why pick on her? Well HA HA ! Now she has an Emmy and was easily the best-dressed woman there, without a doubt !!! When you get to the finale of season 2 you will feel the same. This is exactly why I doubt I will watch season 3. I thought the first season was brilliant. As a fan of the movie I watched the pilot out of curiosity to see what they would do with it. I was hooked and kept watching and I thought the finale was masterful. I never saw it coming. I was really excited for season 2, but the whole extraction team and Dolores going rogue and Teddy and Bernard and what they did to Clementine....AHRRRG!!! I was watching out of habit but I became more disillusioned every week. Tv and movies should be an escape but if you can't follow the story or the sequence of events it's more like a job than entertainment ! True. Cersei could have been humbled by her experience with The Sparrow (since she brought all of that on herself by thinking that she was above everyone) but if anything it only made her worse. I had hoped that she would take out The Sparrow and his followers, but I wanted her to do the right thing by Margaery and Loras and their father by letting them sail away from King's Landing (with nothing but their lives). If she had done that, I could have felt something for her. The way she treated Jamie was inexcusable as well. I am looking forward to her finally getting her comeuppance ,(but I expect to be disappointed). Don't call him Brenny. Hmm. How did I miss this one ? Newsflash !!!! TheChamCham doesn't wear "panties". Boxers all the way, baby ! I'm not certain what Miss Ryder, Mr. Gooding, or Mr. Gibson have in common with Brendan though. Wow ! That was fast. Now you know darn well that it's Brendan. Did it ever occur to anyone that perhaps Brendan fired Hollywood ? Hmmm? I don't know what tf means, sorry. Still new to the interweb. Not at all. Which version did you see? There are several versions edited to make him look bad. He had not done an interview in front of an audience in a while and it was a VERY long interview. His back was really bothering him (that chair was VERY uncomfortable) and had that guy ever interviewed anyone before because he didn't seem to know how to lead the interview. We all have to start somewhere but..... Be nice,now. ☃💕🎬🍕 Well, hello there ! Are you an IMDb'er like myself ? And if so, are you using the same username that you used there ?