TheChamCham's Replies

More than financially and all of the people celebrating fail to realize that they have kids together so that isn't going to change. He wants to do another sequel to The Mummy, but Universal isn't likely to greenlight it because they'd be admitting that the Tom Cruise movie, though unrelated, ws a mistake. His health and well-being are more important than any movie. All you know about his personal life is what he has chosen to tell in interviews. The smartest thing he did was divorcing Afton. He should have gotten away free and clear with only a few million going to her, but Connecticut judges are living in the past. "fallen off the ledge both personally and professionally." That makes it sound like he's been in rehab, behaved unprofessionally, etc. when he hasn't. He's always played by the rules. He only has one year missing from his filmography. There are a lot of actors with more time missing and yet he's the one they notice for some reason. He works as much as he wants to and picks his own projects. I see very little genuine sympathizing. He's been the butt of more jokes, memes, petitions,etc. No smart remarks are needed either. His average "fan" is in their twenties and has not endured, nor achieved, what he has, therefore they are not a entitled to judge him. 1692 posts? 🀨 You must be new here and apparently are not from the predecessor of this site, IMDb. Allow me to introduce myself. I am TheChamCham. I know more about Fraser's last FIFTY years than you would ever care to know. It's true. No more alimony. Now, let us hear no more about itπŸ™„. Wow.πŸ™„ I thought all of the pseudo psychologists were over at YouTube.πŸ˜’ You guys slay me. You make these inflammatory statements and then you proclaim to "love" him. Amazing. This is the oldest post I have ever replied to !!! Are you still there, Dude ??? (Or Dudette as the case may be) Hey, blame Mr. Billy Joel himself. I tried to use "She's Got A Way" for my fiancee's birthday video on YouTube a couple of years ago and I got a copyright strike and couldn't use it. I couldn't find another song to fit the video so I had to make a whole new one. Grrrrrrrrrr !!! At least she got to see it (and loved it !!!) anyway, but I have since boycotted any and all Billy Joel songs. See ya !!! B ??? You are too kind. I don't think she'll file in the UK. Because she's American, I think she'll come back here and file because they don't have alimony in the UK (and she'll want to draw it out to keep herself in the media). That's exactly what happened to John Cleese. Heaven help Harry if she files in Connecticut! Those judges are from the Stone Age. "Successful actress" ??? Would you mind giving me your definition of a successful actress? Then I will give you mine. I love the tauntauns !!! I want a tauntaun !!! When you love someone who loves you, secrets are not a problem. Did you actually comment to a five year old post ??? I thought I was the only one who did that !!! Calling someone a "dimwit" isn't very nice. Especially when they're probably a twenty year old dimwit. Miss Thompson and Mr. Wise have been together for 23 years. Hardly a "fling". At the last minute Mr. Lee thought better of Lucy throwing the dog in the air and excused it from the scene (they hoped you wouldn't notice). We can't really know that though, can we ? Oh, where is Ruth Goodman when we need her ??? First, she knows the era. Second, she's hilarious ! The kids are great ! I guess we did ! Thanks !