MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Guaranteed she is going to file for divo...

Guaranteed she is going to file for divorce as soon as she gets pregnant.

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There is a very good reason why Meghan's family have not spoken to her in years and why they have not been invited to the wedding.

I have nothing against Prince Harry for wanting to marry this money grabbing skank, but it is outrageous that the UK taxpayers are having to pay for this charade of a wedding and the forthcoming divorce settlement.


No WAY! She'll wait until a kid or two is on the ground before she runs for it!

There's no way a middle-class American could possibly tolerate life with the royal family for very long, but after all the effort she's put into snagging her prince she's going to stick it out as long as she can. I give it 2-5 years.


Hate to add to the cynicism but she is a successful actress from LA. The track record with those celeb couple pairings isn’t great.


Yeah, make it 2-4 years, and I'm only including the 4 because of the possibility of a second pregnancy.


Hate to add even further to the bad news but she's been married before for two years. Generally that's a dead giveaway that it will end badly.


"Successful actress" ??? Would you mind giving me your definition of a successful actress? Then I will give you mine.


i agree
