maximmm's Replies

Dude, she was living the american dream! What's your problem?!@ Dude - the two main characters did not act the way normal human beings would act, so this was no sci-fi. In reality, they would have offed the alien creature fairly soon, especially given how annoying it was. This was one of those 'artsy' films - with hidden message and shit. The first 2 minutes were ok, then it went downhill fast. I'm not sure which great first 2 acts you are talking about - or is it great 2 minutes? Yeah, I fast-forwarded it - saw it in about 40 minutes, instead of a hundred. Even that felt like a waste of time. Basically, this film is an allegory of some sort. You are not supposed to see it as a sci-fi film - I'm still not sure how to interpret this allegory and, frankly, I don't much care for whatever hidden message this film pertains to contain. nah - if it was just a review, you would have posted your review here, without any links. There is some truth to that. Restrictions/limitations often lead to greater creative works. This movie was crap - if the new series is based on this film, it will suck even more. Agreed - and the script really was the stereotypical crapfest that all of the marvel/dc fans have come to love. and you are a virus - you keep spamming every single movie with your hollywood reporter links. Oh dear - the mods are stepping in to censor the debate. That happened on imdb, CNN, yahoo before the whole thing got shut down period. Is someone in the process of buying moviechat? Is that what's happening? Or is Amazon, your sponsor, threatening to pull out of its sponsorship? Please, enlighten us. Nah - cause who's gonna make sneakers for me once he's in the office? I ain't waiting 4 years for a new pair of Yeezy Boosts. That just tells you about the state of the media these days. Trump was right - there's plenty of fake news media outlets out there, especially mainstream. Unfortunately, that also includes Trump-allied media as well - it's all absolute bullshit. To make things worse, social media giants have joined the party and now you can't even discuss anything without being censored. Soon enough, China will start to appear progressive in comparison to the 'freedom' people enjoy in the western world. He and Trump are pretty similar - both are morons, both senile, both with fake hair. Which turd will voters pick this time around, I wonder? And when the hell will the deep state actually start putting up slightly more reasonable puppets? I hear you, but season 5 was even better, no? Cosby by far. Weinstein seduced women with promise of movie roles, though in some cases.... his seduction was dodgy as fuck. O'Brien - reason being, his travel shows are amazing, and his comedy is not strictly focused on Trump. Agreed.... It seems like every network has turned into Trump network. CNN, Comedy central, etc. The news is dead - the comedy is dead. Agreed. He was in more than enough decent films as of late. Besides, have you seen the crap hollywood produces these days? It's utter shit. Remakes/reboots/sequels - that's hollywood in a nutshell. You want to see Pretty Woman 5? The answer is hopefully no. I'd say Robin Williams' death is the one that caused me to pause. We need at least one woke reply in each thread - it's the new rule.