maximmm's Replies

She's a puppet, yo. When the time is right, the puppeteers will get her out there again. Greta herself doesn't give a fuck about any of this crap. USA wanted to bring similar 'peace' to Syria and Venezuela, but so far it's not working out.... I think this film was ok - not great, but not bad either. There are a few decisions which did cause me to go hmmm.... The female sheriff was indeed depicted in an odd manner. Her decision making throughout the whole film left a lot to be desired. The ranger dude also made a few odd calls - letting off the sheriff after she shot him (he later said she didn't shoot him after all to let her off the hook), and going into the killer's house without calling for backup... I guess you could say he wanted real justice and not the 'life in prison' sentencing that the killer would have gotten - which also explains his actions in the end. I guess you can explain away all of the odd decisions by various characters, but it all makes as much sense as the game of thrones final season. It all points to crappy writing (or perhaps crappy script which butchered the original story?), despite great, as always, acting from Nikolaj CW. So, I'm saying this film was ok primarily due to good acting from nikolaj cw, but the characters in this film was butchered via shoddy writing. I'd say that with just a few changes in writing, this movie could easily equal that of Fargo. It has a similar setting, similar imperfect characters, good acting, and good cinematography. Methinks we aren't gonna see a hollywood movie about evil hollywood corporations anytime soon. Nah - at this point we are well used to the fact that films are being ewoked. The good news is - the illusion of women being men and men turning female is strictly a hollywood phenomenon, having little to do with reality. it was pretty woke - but... I'd say it wasn't that bad. Looks like they are thinking of making 20 sequels. looks pretty woke It's only 82 minutes long - one hour and 22 minutes until the credits hit the screen. Yeah... someone said this was a much better alternative to the twilight zone - I saw the first episode and wasn't all that impressed. Then i skimmed through another episode just to see if this shit gets better - it was about a dude finding another copy of him or something and then i deleted the whole season. I wanted an anthology of sci-fi stories like outer limits, not this crap about some weird town with recurring characters and some unexplained 'loop'. Given that this whole thing is based on drawings and not a novel/short stories..... I don't think there will ever be an explanation provided for anything. And yeah... the music, the lighting - it's all very dark, depressing and err... kinda boring. I try not to rewatch films - I mean, once you've seen it.... you kind of know how it ends, no? Then again, I recall some people going to the movie theater just to see the same movie 3 times in a row.... so I guess I'm just not normal. Actually, they already made it clear that making a copy via transporter is quite easy - it's been done more than once in ST TNG, though they did use that function only in rare circumstances. More on this here - The fact is, given the whole clusterfuck with transporters being able to create copies of people, in the real world someone (other than the eternally righteous federation) would massively abuse this function and start clone wars. Then again, we need to recognize that the reason why transporters functioned like deus ex machina is because the writers were dumb as fuck. Giving the transporters such capability would have opened up a whole other can of worms - something that was never really discussed in STTNG because everyone knew the writers have fucked up. If the transporters really did have that function... it would have changed everything. Again, you are looking at clones, immortality, etc - As for the picard/android - yeah, that too is another lazy piece of writing - akin to that magical transporter bit. I agree - it was a good episode. Though.... I suspect a normal person would kind of go insane after a while, if stuck in such a time loop - here, we seem glimpses of insanity, but next day he seems back to his normal self (at least based on the appearance). Essentially, you become immortal and with no consequences of your life/actions. It's a pretty crazy notion for anyone to face after you truly begin to realize the long term consequences of such existence. If life ever had a point, an existence like this seems to have none. But... I'm now going to refute everything i've said up until now, because I'm basically just brainstorming. I suspect it is possible to try experience all (some) facets of life for the first few decades. You can read books - all books ever written up to that day. Learn martial arts/meditation/etc. Focusing on seducing one woman though - that shit is unhealthy as hell, especially given that next day you'll be back to zero. Books, however.... you can just continue reading from where you've stopped - martial arts, same. Basically, you can consume things which do not need to remember you - You can't build stuff, you can't make long term relations, the only thing you can successfully accomplish is to gain information and perhaps experiment with stuff (to a limited degree - you can't try new occupations which require certificates/degrees, for example ). I'm 6 episodes in and I suspect maybe Jordan's creative rights were taken away in S2, cause now there are white leads and sjw agenda isn't as prominent. So, kudos to that. All in all, it's watchable now - so, I'll have to second the OP's advise. Give S2 a try - it's nowhere near as horrid as S1 - I'd even argue it's not half bad. I agree.... Will Ferrell is funny during interviews and skits, but very few of his films are great. This film didn't have many funny moments - it felt cheesy, hmm.... like most of his films? I dunno how he can so often be hilarious during interviews and skits, but have such shitty films... Read this review.... it ain't looking good. On the bright side, the reviewer mentioned 'tales from the loop' as a better alternative, so I'll definitely check it out. I like well made mini stories like outer limits and black mirror (early seasons), so if tales from the loop is any good, this could be the way to go. You know... I've recently heard a few black celebrities talking about Key and Peele and how they were acting too white, with white wives, and even when acting as homeboys in skits, they looked like white boys pretending to be black. So, now I'm thinking perhaps Jordan said and did this as his way of overcompensating for his perceived whiteness. It comes off and actually is racist, but maybe that's what he figures he has to do in order for the black community to accept him 100%? It's racist and deplorable, but at least it may provide some insight into his words/actions. I wonder if his white relatives (he is half white) and his wife+relatives are on the same bandwagon... Because netflix is buying all kinds of crap now, given the lack of films being currently produced. Streaming services yes - film industry... as long as they are unable to produce more films, or put their crap into movie theaters, is going to greatly suffer. Basically, social distancing is a death sentence for the film industry all around the world. The only countries which can benefit from this are the ones where social distancing is not and was never a thing, but even they'd have issues given that they can't put their crap in movie theaters around the world. The big studios are reluctant to release their stuff on streaming services quickly because movie theaters were always such a huge revenue maker. Perhaps that might change... I do think it's possible to create animated films in the 'social distancing' era, but... i'm not sure that they are being made either. More about film industry here - Well.... it doesn't look like we'll be seeing many new films, though I suspect that studios will start releasing films they shelved years ago. Basically.... nothing is being filmed right now - unless you are in Sweden ^^ Nah - there's no divergence. He did say that there are several side plotlines in the books which are not in the show, but the main plotline remains the same. So, the showrunners did follow his main plotline - though I am curious as to why they shortened the last season - I suspect there's plenty of crap that went on behind the scenes, but the main reason, I suspect, is because RR martin gave them very little aside from the main plotline and they didn't have any decent writers on the staff to fill out the rest of the bullshit, which is why the last season seemed so.... oddly paced (first 2 episodes, nothing happens - and the last 6 way too much happens without much of backstory/character motivation).