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lovemovies (89)


The escape after the rape destroys the movie. Anyone know where is Sebastian Stan now? This woman is a big fan of method acting. She is lying about her age or aged that badly? What do you think about his role in Infinity War? What happened with his career? Is he Black Listed? Something very wrong this guy Is main Avenger cast are the worst? So they're planning turn Bucky character into a villain? View all posts >


Nicholson's performance suited for the whole movie atmosphere because the whole wasn't serious. I couldn't say the same thing about Ledger performance the whole movie had a serious, pressed atmosphere and whenever he comes on screen the atmosphere destroyed and gived the movie cheap vibes. This is so on point. I'll go with Nicholson. He is the most memorable to me and i don't like Ledger perfomance at all. We look at the same woman? If I just had to figure out her age based on her look, I'd say she is 40 years old. I do not know, but I hope the quality cinema will return. Because with those superhero movies and even those new indie movies are generic and it seems like the charismatic actors are hardly get roles and the boring and wooden actors are everywhere and got many roles. I don't even want watch new movies anymore or go to the cinema. I know they will not getting my coins until this "mediocre the new excellent" will trending in Hollywood. I just always thought that she is seems older than her age even when she was a child. I remember when the Island came out and i shocked to hear that she is just 20. Now she seems even more older then her age. So she must be aged badly. Yes, what this sudden attack against Tom Brady in the media? They've found reasons to dragged him all week. I not missed it, but i'm talked about the moment right after the rape when she so quickly escaped. As if nothing happened with her body. Rape is awful experience both physically and emotionally. That why i think it was very unrealistic. I don't know. Depends on the everyday news it's seems so many violent crime is happens. I explain there is too many of them, they're mediocre and seems to me many young people think those are masterpieces. Forget about real cinema or art. View all replies >