Colorado_Kid's Replies

It depends on what state your in but for the most part I believe it is okay as long as you have an adult with you. Have The Goldbergs had an episode where Adam is talking and then loses his voice because puberty has set in? Missy didn't physically assault one of her teammates she went after a pitcher who gunned the ball at her head. If it would have gone to trial that coach would have been in hot water for not doing anything at all about what his pitcher had done. Sheldon was not at fault for what his family went through it was the fault of the people in town. They completely overreacted to a 10 year old boy's request or better bread. I love britcoms but could never get into Monty Python. Sheldon Leonard Amy Penny Howard Raj Bernadette The episode where Doug takes a photo of his private parts and Danny gets blamed for it. Everybody treated Danny like a criminal and when it came out Doug had did it everybody just shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Doug can be very selfish and act like a small child when something doesn't go his way and that is usually what triggers Carrie to act out. I don't think their bad people just horribly mismatched as a couple. On the other hand Arthur is a very selfish person. [quote]Max has grown up. In the recent episode where he accidentally gave Nora a moustache, he defended her to her friend/crush saying that Nora was awesome and it was the kid who had the problem because he couldn't appreciate how awesome Nora was.[/quote] That kid didn't have a problem with Nora, Max just jumped in and started judging the kid for something he never said or did. Think Leverage has the better crew and would rather work with them. The crew on Leverage are trying to help people and go after bad people. Ocean's Eleven was a good enough crew but was only put together because Danny Ocean had a personal agenda a casino owner who stole his girl. They were out for themselves. The backstory is that Bev lost her mother when she was young and that is why she acts the way she does. Bev may not use her best judgement at times but she does care about her family. Her children are worse in fact Adam treats his own friends like crap. He constantly belittles Dave Kim, gets jealous of Chad Kremp, and has lied right to Mirsky's face that got her in trouble. Rowena is 17 and will be 18 later this year so I don't buy the age difference explanation. Emily reminds me of the character on Seinfeld that Jerry called "Two Face." In certain light Emily looks pretty but in other light she looks unattractive. Dodge City was not the violent, hell raising town that television and the movies have made it out to be. The chateau that Reisman is ordered to destroy is a meeting place of high ranking German officers who are planning the defenses for the D-Day invasion. It isn't some private getaway for officers and their families to have a party but an actual military target. Wouldn't call it a storyline but Carrie had a sister for only a couple of episodes and then we never see her again. I don't see Piper becoming a villain. She is a fan of Captain Man and Kid Danger and hates the bad guys. In the Frankini episode she did everything in her power to help CM and KD to keep their identity, has helped capture criminals (Heather and The Spoiler), and was even willing to dump a bunch of rocks on her head because she was trying to help KD beat a disease she thought he had. I heard he wasn't getting along with the other cast members and so they fired him. She seems very talented but tends to overact although she has gotten better as the season has gone on. When I saw the part on dehydration the first thing I thought of was the movie Junction Boys.