MovieChat Forums > Leverage (2008) Discussion > Leverage vs. Ocean's Eleven

Leverage vs. Ocean's Eleven

1. Which is the better crew?
2. Which crew would you prefer to be a part of?

Hip Hop meets WESTWORLD


Original Ocean's Eleven or remake version or both? I likesd both but they have two entirely different "feels" to the crews.

I have to think about this.....

That's what we need - ridiculous odds, and just a speck of hope that someday, we'll beat it


Hmmm.. I'd say both versions of Ocean's Eleven are fair game!

Hip Hop meets WESTWORLD


I didn't care for the Oceans movies. The action in the first one is good, but it's the characters (actors) that I didn't like. The movie seemed to be more interested in showcasiing the actors than in the action of the film.

So, as far as crew is concerned, I much prefer Leverage. But obviuosly the budget of the films let them do much cooler stunts and bigger cons.


Think Leverage has the better crew and would rather work with them. The crew on Leverage are trying to help people and go after bad people. Ocean's Eleven was a good enough crew but was only put together because Danny Ocean had a personal agenda a casino owner who stole his girl. They were out for themselves.
