Time for Max to Grow Up

Max has treated Nora and Billy as though they didn't exist, lied to his mom to get an expensive computer, disrespected his father, stabbed his own friends in the back and has gone out of his way to make Phoebe's life miserable but the poor baby cries because no one listens to him. At the end of the episode Phoebe should of told Max that if he wants people to take him seriously then he needs to stop acting like a child and grow up.


Max has grown up. In the recent episode where he accidentally gave Nora a moustache, he defended her to her friend/crush saying that Nora was awesome and it was the kid who had the problem because he couldn't appreciate how awesome Nora was.

Max also let Billy move in to his lair in one episode and helped guide Billy, even though he didn't seem like he wanted to.

Max was also sweet to Chloe in the Robin Hood episode.


Max really does care about his family, even if he doesn't want to show it. The whole reason he wants to be evil (as was stated early on in the show) was that he knows he can't compete with Phoebe, whom he knows is going to be the ultimate hero in the family. He just wants his own identity and thinks being evil is the only path for that.

But we've seen multiple times that he loves his siblings, even if it takes them being put into bad situations to admit it. I wouldn't be surprised if in the final episode (whenever it happens), Max decides he wants to turn good and ends up getting Hiddenville to protect while Phoebe gets a bigger job, like protecting Washington D.C.



My point isn't that Max doesn't care about his family my point is he doesn't like it that no one listens to him but he never listens to his family himself. Phoebe has asked him not to interfere in any of her projects but he doesn't listen. His parents have asked him not to bother Phoebe he doesn't listen but he wants people to listen to him. If I were his parents I would tell Max that if he wants us to listen to him fine but he is going to listen to us and starting now he will never ever try to sabotage Phoebe in anyway and if he does he will lose his lair and move upstairs and Phoebe will get the lair.


Max has grown up. In the recent episode where he accidentally gave Nora a moustache, he defended her to her friend/crush saying that Nora was awesome and it was the kid who had the problem because he couldn't appreciate how awesome Nora was.

That kid didn't have a problem with Nora, Max just jumped in and started judging the kid for something he never said or did.
