Blackbeard's Replies

to fzane - You obvious troll are so fucking obvious... Pathetic comeback. Just what I expected from a troll like you... So you're just another idiot incel troll with nothing better to do in your life than complain about women. Got it. You're an idiot and have been reported for hate speech. You are right, I do apologize for that. It was a bad day when I posted that in anger. Idiot. It's a fucking fictional show. And in a science-fiction future, we have no clue what sort of "evolution" can happen. More importantly, you'd be surprised how Evolution can sometimes jumpstart things quicker than the conventional thinking of evolution. Just look what Evolution has done recently to Female African elephants that have been hunted for their Ivory Tusks for the past 100-200 hundred years, they are now being born without tusks! But only the Female Elephants (so they can carry on their species.) Or the once almost extinct and now again extremely endangered California Condor, who are starting to give birth without any male fertilized eggs (females are giving "virgin births" which has never happened with this species.) And there are all sorts of evolutionary traits that have occurred in humans just in the past 200 years... we actually look much different than the Ancient Romans of 2000 years ago (despite what you may have seen on whatever popular Gladiator movie you may have seen.) Oh fuck off. Of course I know that parts of the "Middle East" are in Africa, that wasn't the point dumbshit, my original point, in case you missed it, was to respond to the clearly racist asshole named jewoogle who is using derogatory names like "chinaman" (not to mention his own name) and who was the one being insulting to everyone else by calling them retard. So I called him out to show his ignorance. Maybe read the whole thread next time before showing your own ignorance... My Mother was born in Northeast Africa, specifically Eritrea to the Tigrinya tribe. Western Asia is the proper term to use for what most Americans call the "Middle East". Even the United Nations use that term. So yes, I do know this particular thing (along with many others, since I'm actually educated) but not all. Maybe you've never heard of "South Asians" because you are the typical ignorant American? Just wondering... Just the same way as you probably call the region Arabs come from as "The Middle East" when the rest of the world calls it "Western Asia" (you probably never heard that one either.) What? No, China and Japan adopted Buddhism into their culture and their own belief systems (i.e., Japanese Shinto.) In fact, Buddhism was introduced into Japan from Korea almost 1000 years after the birth of Buddhism in India. So much ignorance in this thread... Obvious troll is obvious. Jeezus, you really are just about the stupidest person I've ever seen online, or more likely, just trolling... Hacking happens more often than you realize. There are also good hackers (not white hats, I mean, people good at hacking) and bad hackers (people not too bright, you know, like you!) You make it sound like "there are millions of hackers and if it's that easy then all of them should be able to hack every single person's bank account in the entire world every day, otherwise, it's not possible at all", but I am telling you it IS fucking possible, never said it was easy (but it is for those who know how) and most importantly, the whole point I was actually making is, the accuracy of the show; because just about everything that Elliot did in the show (not every single thing you pedantic asswipe, but most of the things) can be done, because they HAVE been done by MANY (not millions you stupid fuck) of hackers, including me. So you can fuck right off, I don't care what you think is possible or not... Oh, you're back, how pathetic. Again, you stupid fuck, I never said they were the best, my only argument was that they are not JUST a pop band, they had evolved so much further than that in a short time, and that they were so original and pushing the boundaries (along with timeless songwriting) is the reason why they are STILL relevant today! But besides the reading comprehension issues that you obviously have, you also don't seem to understand FACTS that are staring you right in the face! Since you last posted, there has been another 2 documentaries about the Beatles with yet another one on its way... because they are still relevant! (you idiot) And after seeing the mini-series with Rick Rubin going through all the master tapes of the Beatles with Paul McCartney, now I am changing my tune... they WERE the greatest band ever, in any genre; because they worked in all genres (Pop, Folk, Jazz, Classical, Musique Concrète and Experimental, Hard Rock/Punk before there was punk, etc.) they pushed boundaries, invented new techniques of recording, and did it all in a time when everyone else sounded the same. If you truly believe in "Facts and Science" and truly want to educate yourself, then I urge you to watch the miniseries "McCartney 321" But I am sure you won't even bother to watch because you are a pathetic shit of a trolling human being... Seriously though, you are a complete idiot who has no clue what they're talking about. Let me try to explain this one thing one time for you simpleton... Password Crackers (especially the one I am talking about which was used on the show) does NOT use a standard "Dictionary", it uses what is called a "Password Dictionary Attack" which is a specific list of both commonly used Passwords, and not so commonly used passwords along with variations thereof.... millions of them. And the Password cracker goes through them all in minutes and if it doesn't find a perfect match, then it goes back through and does variations of the listed password in the custom-made Password Dictionary. If someone is smart enough to have a really good complicated password like D9gjs&p3! then yeah, it may be impossible for the tool to crack that, but who has a password like that? Who can remember a password like that? (and you are not supposed to write your password down, so most people choose one they can remember.) The last time I used a tool like that against a so-called "I.T. Expert" his password was the typical "IamGod123" which was in my Password Dictionary along with hundreds of variations of that (again, PASSWORD Dictionary, not Standard Dictionary you moron!) And yes dumbshit, this is exactly why companies like Paypal, and Bank of America, and Capital One, and Sony, Yahoo, AdultFriendFinder, Myspace and so many more have ALL been hacked! Have you been living under a rock the past decade? I know this is an older comment, but I finally finished season 4 and needed to comment that you are completely wrong about the hacking part. It was completely accurate. The version of Linux wasn’t just any old Linux, it’s specifically built with hundreds of hacking apps (it’s specifically known as the “Hacker’s Linux”.) And the hardware he used (i.e., the “special” usb thumb drive) is a very specific hacker tool that can be loaded with different payloads to do things like grab all the files from someone’s system, or to crack a password (not by brute force, but by going into the encrypted file system using a dictionary attack.) These tools are sold by a specific company that also sells things like that “special” wireless router (remember the “honeypot” they installed that forced people to connect to them instead of the public WiFi, that’s an actual thing.) I’m not mentioning the names of these tools or the company to keep from everyone rushing out and getting them, but they were briefly mentioned in an episode of Mr. Robot, as well as other shows like the “Blacklist”. No, Vanderohe, about to become a Zombie as he heads into Mexico, then the sequel will be a whole new crew dealing with Mexico City zombies. I think you missed the point of the ending... it sets it up for the sequel - Army of the Dead: Mexico City Ok "Melissa" go back to playing with your Iguana... you know, reading back through these posts, I could have sworn you were the typical pathetic incell 20-something male troll with no life, sitting on his fat ass replying with the most ill-informed opinion on topics he knows nothing about (thus the fact that EVERYONE calls you a troll!) but the fact that you are a woman really baffles me as women are usually smarter than this and not so pathetic... the fact that everyone calls you out and you don't get it, is the very definition of a mental illness, so with all due respect and sincerity, please seek help, as this is not healthy the way you are living. Seriously. Funny how lame incels like you are when they try to troll, just pathetic actually. Also, fake British chick? You mean the French-born Australian actress Elizabeth Debicki? (that just goes to show how little you know about the world.) Man, you really are pathetic to be starting the new year like this... so sad.