Blackbeard's Replies

So, if everyone keeps calling you a troll because of your idiot behavior, and yet you keep doing the same thing over and over again, that is the very definition of insanity. You should seek professional help. Seriously. No, you get called a troll all the time because, if the shoe fits... and you ran out of arguments from the beginning. You deny logic, facts, etc., so if you are not a troll, you are just a plain idiot. Give it up, move on. As I mentioned in my first response to you, Obvious troll is obvious. You are proving it over and over again. No need to say more, just go back and read our whole conversation dumbshit. Or better yet, look at the facts... You're just a complete fucking idiot, seriously. Not worth arguing with you. I'll go back to my initial response to you... Obvious troll is obvious. The proof is that you are not just arguing against me, you are stating things that go against every fact, historian, etc. as I mentioned before. No, it is actually very impressive that in their short career AS A BAND together (you stupid fuck) that they made SO many great songs (that actually touched on various genres including Jazz, Classical, Musique Concrète, pre-punk rock) that STILL, to this very day, are revered, are covered by other artists, and are having movies made about them STILL. No denying the facts (you must be a Trump supporter) thus you are a fucking troll. So how about you get the fuck outta here you stupid fuck. No one but you said they were the best "musical" band. All I am arguing is your lame comment that they are overrated pop musicians who got lucky, which is simply not true by ALL standards. And it's too exhausting trying to go through your ridiculous arguments that hold absolutely no water, for example: Your statement - "They were privileged to last long enough to develop new directions in their music which is not an opportunity granted to the vast majority of pop stars" really!? The Beatles had one of the shortest careers recording together for only 6 years and being about to produce such a wide variety of critically acclaimed content that has, to this day, STILL endured (hence yet another Beatles-based movie and hence what makes you a fact denier, you fucking idiot.) Let's compare that to the Beach Boys, still going to this day with an almost 60-year career, yet still doing the same old crap they've always done (with the exception of the Pet Sounds album which today is considered groundbreaking, but back then, was a flop.) Or the Rolling Stones, also still going for 50 years doing the same crap, and I can go on and on... The point is, there is a reason why the Beatles are praised so much, and why their music is STILL relevant today more so than just about any other artist. And the fact that you continue to deny this despite all of the facts, shows, again, that you are either a complete idiot with absolutely no clue, or you're just trolling... either way, I don't have time for this shit anymore. So, fuck off. With people, yes I do, with idiot trolls like you, no. How do you know it doesn't get better if you "couldn't get past episode 4" you fucktard. Proof that YOU are the one that lives in the bubble, no famous ballet dancers? Really? You never heard of Baryshnikov, Nureyev, Pavlova? Come on, Baryshnikov at least as he's been in a ton of movies and tv shows... And it's obviously no use arguing with an idiot like you who has no clue... you even admit you "don't know a shit ton about music history" and I promise you, you don't know much about humans either. As both a Music Historian and a Psychology major, I know quite a bit about both. I gave you clear rebuttals, but just like a typical Trump support denying science and facts, you just want to cover your ears and scream "fake news! fake news!" and that right there exposes you for the troll and the fraud that you are. Conversation done. Actually, another thing, go read the book "Outliers" as it will explain how the "greatest" of any industry, whether it's the Beatles in music, or Wayne Gretsky in Hockey, or whomever, all have one thing in common... they put their 10,000 Hours in to become the greatest. Not just luck, but more sweat and work than any other in their particular industry. There is a myth that the Beatles came out of nowhere, became popular overnight, and that's what made them famous... just "luck!" But they always forget to mention the time they put in playing 8 hours a night, every single night for two years straight in a strip club in Germany to hone their skills. Don't know why I am even bothering though when I know you don't actually listen to facts or logic or reason... you are just a stupid fucking troll that has absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Are you related to Trump? You sound like that type of person, when given all the facts, from all the scientists and/or historians, you just throw your hands up in the air and proclaim "fake news!" Fucking moron. There is seriously something wrong with you and it's becoming obvious that you're just another incel troll; some fat loser that spends all of his days on the computer trying to stir up shit. No, I don't have a "hard-on" for The Beatles, but as a life long musician, composer and music historian, I actually recognize the importance and significance of the Beatles. The fact that you keep calling them "pop stars" when they moved well beyond pop after their first few albums, shows that you have absolutely no clue. And no you stupid fucktard, it's not just about being popular, it's about being timeless, having their music STILL be relevant almost 60 years later. No other band in the world has achieved such status. Here is an example that you won't get because you are too brain dead; in 1974 Led Zepplin released what is considered one of their greatest albums, and yet, it couldn't compete that year on the charts with The Osmond Brothers, or The Monkees, both of whom were way more popular and had at least 5 hits each in the charts... that doesn't mean they were better you stupid fuck, popularity NEVER means something is better. It's the substance of the music; the songwriting, and production that constitutes what is good. And that's what makes the Beatles so great. Just because you don't like them (because you don't even understand any of this and probably haven't even heard more than a handful of their early "pop" songs) you automatically think they are overrated. What a sad, pathetic stupid fuck... and the proof that you are all those things is, just look in the mirror. look at your life. Look how you have wasted time being negative against a group that every single musicologist, music historian and critic has agreed are the greatest band ever. Not because of popularity, but because of the substance of their content. But you'll never understand that because you are just some dumb nobody with no talents and no goals in life, which is why you have to tear down others. Seriously? It's not like it's some obscure thing I read in one article, it's everywhere! A simple Google search will give you a ton of results. Neil Degrass Tyson has been talking about it for years, scientists from MIT to JPL have all been talking about it... just search, I'm not going to spoon-feed you. Agreed! I like how the camera kept moving into the car and then out of it all without edits in one continuous shot (there was one point where you could tell the camera was being handed through the window of the backseat, but man, the choreography to pull that off!) No, you are a troll because, unlike any other band, they didn't "just get lucky", they've had more movies made about them than any other band, they have their songs covered more than any other band (I once had to explain to some dumb goth chick when she said her favorite band Siouxsie and the Banshees is the greatest band because of their song "Dear Prudence" and had to tell her that that was actually a Beatles song. She was not happy. Same with the dumb redneck who thought Willie Nelson wrote the song "Yesterday" again, a Beatles song.) So yes, either you are a troll or just a plain idiot since you don't understand musicology, history and/or the importance of the Beatles and the innovations they made both in the studio as well as in songwriting in numerous genre's, not just pop (you fucking clueless fuck.) Again, it's why their music is timeless, and people STILL cover their music and make movies based on their music, over and over and over again. Now go wipe your nose you little snot... Sorry Satan, but you are completely clueless and obviously out of the loop. The actual talk among the majority of scientists today is there is a very very low probability that what we are experiencing is actual real life, and a very high probability that we are in a simulation. Research (though I guess it's easier for someone like me to research it with actual Theoretical and Quantum Physicists at CalTech than someone like you who is just some kid on his computer.) I haven't watched the documentary yet but am liking the Segal series so far, and had heard about all of this before the series when I was researching ARGs... but wish I could have experienced it in real life as you did! Sounds fascinating! I agree and in fact was just thinking about that the other day... they are both currently my two favorite shows, but wish I wasn't watching them concurrently (especially as they are both talking about "tram lines" in a way.) Also, the latest episode of Devs kind of blew my mind with the revelation of the "Static" (don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.) It makes you wonder; what if we really are all in a Simulation (as many Scientists are starting to believe) and what if <spoiler>the plug was just pulled on us!?</spoiler> Obvious troll is obvious. Uh, in case you missed it dumb shit, that's the FICTION part of "Science Fiction". Time Travel isn't real either and yet there are a ton of time travel movies. Guess what, Warp Drives and Lightsabers aren't possible either, I guess Star Trek and Star Wars are all shit as well. Compared to all of that, Ad Astra is as close to real as you can get, with a few small exceptions to obviously heighten the dramatic impact of the story (as Hollywood does.) Then again, how do you know you can't do what they did in the movie? Been to space lately? You fucking stupid cunt. Worked for me. 8/10