Blackbeard's Replies

Did you even watch the movie? She DID go mental and tell them both to go straight to hell after that (in the Gold Mine tunnels.) I swear some people have no attention span here... Nope, you are full of shit and deflecting. They even had actual NASA Astronauts and Engineers say the science is good in this movie... keeping in mind that it's a science FICTION movie you stupid fuck. The fact that you can offer no shred of proof to back up your statement is proof that you are just a troll, as usual... Care to elaborate Captain Obvious, or are you just trolling as usual? They haven't just been "blind for years" it was 600 years of evolution allowing them to adapt to blindness that they now have their other senses heighten to the point that they can move the way they do, hear who's coming, etc. It's actually very well done if you gave it a chance and actually paid attention. Wow, for someone who hates this movie so much, you sure are putting a lot of time and effort constantly posting about it. What a pathetic life you must have! Maybe try going outside to get some fresh air, or get a hobby or something... @gjb Wow, you obviously didn't pay attention to the movie at all (or you are just a complete idiot) But let me see if I can help you out here... 1. It IS led by a government/military agency. The person leading them at that moment just happened to be a Psychologist (you do know the government and military have Psychologists too, don't you?) 2. I too thought about the rope thing, so I'll give you that, but as for "go in for an hour" the very first thing that happened the instant they went in is completely lost their short term memories and lost track of time. They explained this as they woke up from their first night not remembering even seeing up camp and then realizing they've actually already been there 3 or 4 days. How did you miss that!? 3. They already mentioned that they DID send in drones. Again, how did you miss that? 4. It's possible that the original teams did have protective clothing, and since one guy made it out from the last team, the Psychologist decided, let's just go in (and at that point, they had given up hope, so it was worth the risk since they figured they'd probably fail and the whole earth will be consumed anyway.) 5. They've already tried sending in numerous teams including military and probably every other configuration of military/scientists, male and female, etc. This was just one more last try with this particular team. You're just an idiot for not getting this. 6. They did. They were also taking numerous samples throughout. Were you asleep during this movie or what? The rest of what you complain about is not even worth expelling, you just wouldn't grasp it. Though with #9, the Alien didn't kill itself, it was on fire from the phosphorus grenade, and it was trying to get back to it's safe place which caused it to burn everything to the ground (even aliens can panic when they are on fire you know.) Something I find weird is that here in real life, WE are the most advanced civilization on earth, and yet we still have Wars, Starvation, Hatred and Racism, and people believing in 2000 year old fairy tales that they call religion, which they use to justify their hate and wars. Go figure, humans, at their core, are primitive beasts, no matter how advanced they become... Actually, yes, there were several moments in the movie that will directly tie into Infinity War (not going to list them here due to spoilers) not to mention the scene after the end credits which usually ties into the next movie. Why wouldn't you get the chance to see it? Do you live in a third world country? I'm asking seriously, otherwise, you can just as easily see it on a half price night (most theaters in the U.S. have that, usually on aTuesday.) Except for the hidden scene after the end credits, which, as usual, ties into the next movie (Infinity War.) You missed the part that the "See Napoli" thing, the "Once you've seen Napoli you can die, because nothing else will compare..." is directly related to a Comedian not only getting to play Carson, but getting asked over to the couch... that is the pinnacle for Comedians (at least back in the early to mid 1970s, by the 1990s it was all about getting their own SitCom.) So for Clay, there was no where else to go; he achieved his ultimate goal by being on Carson and getting to the couch... he, in essence, "saw Napoli". @Lycian You obviously don't have the capacity to comprehend the whole point of the movie... that we are not yet evolved enough to perceive all moments in time like the aliens do, and that was the "gift" (misinterpreted as "weapon" by the military) that the aliens gave the women; to experience all moments of her timeline at will. This isn't science fiction or fantasy, it is quantum reality that we have not been able to even comprehend yet. THAT was the whole point of the movie; that once we all comprehend it, then we can all also realize that it's ridiculous for all of our "nations" to be fighting each other when we are all the same race... the Human Race. ... but I'm sure these words will be wasted on someone like you, who so quickly dismissed the movie as "fantasy" just because you didn't get it.